Saturday, December 31, 2011

How to Draw a Ball in Golf - Exaggeration Is the Key

The tendency of most amateur golfers is to slice the ball rather than hit a draw. The two major causes of a slice in golf are: you have an outside to inside swing path during impact, or your club face is open the moment you hit the ball. Some golfers actually even commit both mistakes.

It can be difficult to notice these mistakes. However, you can easily tell if you have a problematic swing just by examining your ball flight. If you notice that your ball usually starts to the left of your target then slices before it reaches the target line, then you are most probably swinging in an outside-in direction. Now if your ball starts out on target but slices anywhere midway, then your club face might be open during impact.

It is quite likely you are hitting a slice because you have an outside-in swing path. This means your shoulders are aligned way too far to the left of the target. This problem is quite easy to fix. All you have to do is open your shoulders every time you address the ball. If possible, let someone stand behind you during address and make him check where your shoulders are pointing. With your shoulders aligned correctly, your club has no other choice than to follow the direction of your shoulders.

On the other hand, if you tend to hit the ball with an open club face, then check the position of your club's head when addressing the ball. Take the extra effort to square up your club face each time you address the ball. Doing this alone can be a quick fix to your slicing problem.

If you are still consistently slicing even if you have diligently checked if your shoulders and club face are square at address, then you might be unintentionally opening your club face during your downswing. For an easy fix, try to concentrate on rotating the club to the right during impact. You should feel the club head turn over through the ball so as to make it start hooking left. Practice this drill during your driving range sessions before you hit the course.

If you still keep slicing even after you have regularly practiced these drills then you might have an over the top swing path which is more difficult to fix. If you have been playing golf for years, then you might have developed this nasty swing flaw that you have to seriously consider correcting.

The best way to correct this kind of swing habit of slicing is to exaggerate a hook. Start conditioning yourself to swing inside-out. Go to the range and flatten your swing until you consistently hit vicious hooks. You really have to exaggerate this movement. Flatten your swing to a point that you feel like you are swinging your club below the right shoulder, around your back. Since you have been so used to an over the top backswing, you just probably feel like you are swinging flat even if you aren't. So you have to exaggerate an inside-out swing.

During practice rounds, keep your right elbow tucked firmly to your side throughout the swing. This way the ball is forced to make a nice slinging hook. This kind of constricted swing may not be able to get the ball that far, but once you get the feel of the right way to hook the ball, it would be easy for you to adjust later. A controlled hook shot is great for both power and distance. So keep on practicing this hook shot until you consistently make the ball draw and eliminate that nasty slice.

Remember the key to finally stop slicing and fix any swing flaw that you have been suffering from for quite some time is to do the exact opposite of what you have been used to in an exaggerated manner. This is the only way to make your body literally feel the change you are trying to make. You do not want to just try to make your ball go straight. Your goal now is to consistently make it hook excessively until you start mastering the golf draw.

For more amazing golf tips on how to improve your golf swing, chipping, putting and more please visit this link Golf Draw Site

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Thursday, December 29, 2011

How Golf Swing Videos Can Help You

Many products can offer you videos of the best swings ever from different tours just like the PGA and European Tours. You can also witness and review documented swings by famous golfers just like Tiger Woods, Bubba Watson, Rickie Fowler, Dustin Johnson, Rory Mcllroy, Phil Mickelson, Martin Kaymer, and other players you have probably never seen or heard about before. These are just some of the examples of famous events and people whom you can learn from basing on their playing strategies especially when it comes to golf swinging.

Such material can really help those who aspire to play golf well. You can learn each swing and study each move of a professional player and you can freely practice and apply it on your own games. You can explore on different angles, moves and curves, and you can discover on what swing you are very much capable to do, thus bringing out the best in you while playing golf. This is one affordable way for you to learn all kinds of different swings known to man kind. This does not require you to hire someone to teach you or enroll on expensive golf lessons just to become a pro yourself. Remember, you can very much learn by yourself with the help of such video materials.

This does not just benefit you, if you are done studying with one video regarding a specific person or a specific tour, you can freely share it to anyone you would like. You can share it to a friend or a loved one that is also an avid golf player and fan. Just like you, they will also learn and discover certain swings that would interest them and that they might apply as they play also. It is indeed a good gift to someone; especially to a family member, your dad or uncle maybe, that plays golf too. Such items are widely available in many stores especially in the internet. You can purchase it anytime you want, and good thing about it is that it is very much affordable.

Golf swing videos really interest a lot of people. It provides entertainment as you witness the greatest swings ever made, and at the same time, it is an avenue for learning for you and other friends. Anyone can surely experiment with his or her own style in swinging, but it is also good to try swings that are proven and effective in tournaments and championships. Remember, everyone is a champion in his or her own right.

Watching golf swing videos will easily cut hours off your valuable practice sessions. We have generated a web site with 1000's of golfing videos to improve your game and also give you guidance on how to improve your score. Check them out.

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Sunday, December 25, 2011

How to Improve Imagination and Visualization in Golf

When you think about Jack, Steve, Tiger, or to that matter any great golfer, you find the word creativity popping into your head. These golfers are (or alas, in the case of Seve, were) creative. Great golfers have the ability to think up amazing shots. They can see shots in their mind and then they can make them happen.

The process of imagination and visualization is essential in the process of creating great golf shots. Jack Nicklaus is often quoted as saying that he never hit a golf shot without seeing it first, very vividly, in his imagination. He always visualized the shot first before he set about making it come to life.

Jack Nicklaus is truly the Michelangelo of golf. For those who aren't familiar with the way in which Michelangelo set about his creative process, this is how he described his manner of work:- "I saw the angel in the marble and carved until I set him free".

There is a common thread in the process of success in anything in life and this is the essential importance of first visualizing the outcome you seek before you set out on the pathway to its achievement. You have to see it to believe it. Once you visualize an outcome, you can believe in its potential and then your mind and body can find a way in which to achieve it.

Put another way, without first seeing it, you cannot believe it and cannot achieve it. Golf sits squarely in the middle of this paradigm. It does not escape from the basic patterns or rules of success. Great golf shots are created first in your imagination and then they have the potential to come to fruition upon the course.

It follows that the better you are at triggering and utilizing your inherent ability to visualize, the more successful you will be as a golfer. If you want to win more golf tournaments and get your handicap down low you will need to tap into the creative part of your mind and take it with you onto the course.

The wonderful thing about your imagination is that you can practice using it anytime and anywhere. Another great bonus is the minimal amount of time it takes to visualize a few perfect and creative shots. It takes moments, and yet the effect is powerfully dramatic.

Can you imagine just how good you would get at visualizing if you were to simply play a few holes of golf in your mind each night as you are drifting off to sleep? It's so quick and easy and the effect is truly awesome.

Roseanna Leaton, avid golfer and specialist in creative golf mind mp3s and author of the GolferWithin golf mind training system.

P.S. Discover how to release your inherent creativity and take it with you onto the golf course. Check out my website now.

Improve your creativity in golf and improve your imagination with golf mind training from These golf mind mp3s will give you the creative golfing edge which you are looking for.

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Thursday, December 22, 2011

Improve Your Game With A Golf Practice Net

If you have recently joined your local golf club, it is useful to try and improve your handicap at the earliest possible opportunity. Though the game has a somewhat laid back feel to it, it can also be highly competitive. Mastering how to swing, tee off correctly, and putt, can be a lot harder than what most people believe. To increase the odds of winning more of the rounds that you play, it can be of value investing in a golf practice net.

As with any sport, practicing is often the key to success. The special nets designed for golfers to hone their skills can quickly improve ability. There are versions that can be used outdoors as well as indoors, therefore no matter what the weather or the time of year, you can develop your game to a higher level. Before you know it, the embarrassment that was felt when you first took up the sport evaporates.

Improving your shot selection, and determining how much power is needed when hitting the ball does take time. With a net at hand you should find that you can quickly boost your prowess. Moreover, you won't have to spend many hours searching for lost balls.

When comparing the nets available at your local sports accessories outlet, or through a specialist online retailer, it is of value to know what to look for and how the options differ. The advice below will help ensure that you spend your money on a product that is perfect for your needs.

The size and strength of the nets that you shortlist are the most important factors. Make sure that the design you choose is big enough to collect each of your shots, and that it does not quickly become torn when driving balls at full force.

Another important consideration to check out is the bounce back ability. You would not want your balls to ricochet and bounce back towards you, this can result in serious harm and injury. It should be loose enough to absorb the energy of your shots.

On a final note, choosing a cheap golf practice net may have the opposite effect to what you desire. A low cost, poorly constructed net may quickly rip and become unusable. If possible, avoid the budget options and invest in a design that can be used to help you improve your game for many months or even years.

You can find details about the advantages of using a golf practice net and information about golf practice cages at now.

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Tuesday, December 20, 2011

How to Succeed At Golf


Any successful golfer will tell you that one of the secrets of success is to be fiercely determined. Determination is crucial to success in any endeavour in life and golf is no exception. For the first time golfer or the beginner who has a dream of being of the best in the game, there are so many obstacles to overcome. The obstacles of learning the basics, improving their game and mastering the game etc. He or she will be able to overcome these obstacles easily if he or she is strongly determined. Determination helps you not to accept initial failure as an excuse to stop doing what you are doing but rather determination pushes you to go on and keep working at it until you get it right. Do you think Tiger Woods got to where he is right now without a strong or fierce determination?


It has been said that, Practice makes perfect. It will be impossible for you to perfect your game if you don't have a strong practice regime. The world top golfers all agree on one thing, there is no substitute for practice. The more you practice how to improve your game, the more your game actually improves. So if you are really interested in succeeding at golf you must have a very strong and disciplined practice regime. Don't you know that those beautiful shots the masters of the game make during the game were perfected during their personal practice time?


All great golfers are disciplined. Golf is a game for patient and disciplined people. If you don't really understand the game, watching a golf game may appear boring to you but when you really understand the game you realize that it's a really very interesting game. It's a game that really requires a lot of discipline and patience. What great golfers do during the major competitions is a result of the discipline they had cultivated during their seemingly minor practice time. Being disciplined helps you to build a strong practice regime and keep to it. Being disciplined helps you to stay focused and succeed at golf.

Learning from Better Players

To really succeed at golf you can't afford to just practice alone or just play with players you are better than so that you can always feel good about yourself. This won't improve your game. To really be a great player you must learn from and play with those better than you. This helps you to realize what necessary improvements you need to make on your game. Learning from better players will undoubtedly make you a better player. So learn to ask people who you know are good at the game for tips about how to improve your game, you will be surprised at how eager they will be to help you.

To be a success at golf you need to know what the game is about, improve on your game, be determined, disciplined, practice well and learn from others. If you get these things right you will really be amazed at how much success you will have in the game of golf.

Golf is a beautiful game and success in it depends on how determined and disciplined you are, how much practice you put into the game and your willingness to learn from better players.

To learn how to improve all aspects of your Golf game with unbiased product reviews and A FREE 7 day course on how to be a better Golfer Please visit my website at

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Saturday, December 17, 2011

How Your Golf Divots Can Help You Improve Your Golf Swing Path

Noticing and understanding the direction and type of your divots on the golf course can help you improve your swing path. Generally, most golfers will take divots if they have decent swing speeds. Some golfers take shallow divots and some take really huge ones. I'm going to share with you some tips on how to improve your swing by noticing what type of divots you are taking.

With your tee shots and fairway woods you shouldn't be taking divots. Hopefully with these clubs you are catching the ball slightly on the upswing. With the irons, it's helpful to hit down on the ground so you most likely will take at least a little bit of a divot if you are swinging correctly with these clubs.

Good divots should always be in front of the golf ball. With your irons, you want to strike the golf ball first and then take some ground with your club. The perfect divot will be shallow and consistent. The touring pros all take similar divots when they hit different shots. Amateur golfers with high handicaps may be more inconsistent in the amount of ground they take from hitting down on the golf ball.

If your divots are pointing left, you are pulling the club across on your golf swing path from right to left. This will cause a sliced golf shot or a pulled shot. If the divots are pointing to the right, you're probably experiencing a block or even a hook golf shot pattern. To combat these two problems, try and feel like you swing your golf club head towards the target just after impact. This will promote straighter shots and you'll tend to take divots that go straight.

Deep divots mean that your golf swing path or plane is too steep. A golfer who has a flatter swing plane will tend to take more shallow divots. Noticing the direction and how deep your divots are can give you basic information on your golf swing path as well as your golf swing plane.

Get your swing into gear by seeing the patterns of the turf you are taking after you've hit your golf ball. Noticing which direction and the quality of your divots will help you straighten out your swing and play better golf. Any amateur golfer can really benefit from getting this feedback. You can learn how to control your swing path and golf swing plane much more easier. This is really great if you aren't sure what you are doing in your swing because your divots will prove it to you.

The Golf Swing Genius is a top golf instructor dedicated to helping you understand your golf swing so you can play great all the time. Golf does not need to be so confusing and you can play well when you learn our Golf Swing Tips. Master your game today!

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Thursday, December 15, 2011

Improve Your Golf

Golf is one of the oldest sports around and has also managed to claim its rightful place in the annals of history by managing to find its rightful way into the next Olympic Games.

There is a certain belief that golf is a sport played by "the older generation" and that it does not do much for physical fitness and stamina as most of the work comes from the shoulders and hips and it involves brisk walking from one hole to another. Quite mistaken this myth is though! Golf IS a sport and when played at competitive levels involves a great deal of physical activity, mental concentration and overall strength. One must also take into consideration the weather factor where golfers are exposed to sometimes awful conditions, such as strong winds, rain, cold or heat for long hours at a stretch. It also involves trying to get out of awkward positions, such as thick shrubs or rough and bunkers littered with sand, which makes accurate putting and drives fairly arduous, to say the least!

Needless to say, starting golf at a young age is imperative to see progress. I never forget the first time I was exposed to golf, in a driving range in the UK. I could not hit one single ball and ending up breaking my brother-in-law's very expensive golf club in the process! I find that putting practice can be great for finding your range and nerve although regular practice in the golf range would reap greater dividends.

As is the case in most sports established in the distant past, etiquette plays an important role in the sport of golf. Spectators are urged to maintain perfect silence and orderly conduct when assisting golf tournaments from up close. Rowdy spectators have started to trickle into golf and make their presence known whenever they have the opportunity, which is not often, to be honest. Just like tennis, golf players need to concentrate in perfect silence as any unwelcome noise might unsettle their nerves. Having talked about rowdy spectators it is worth noting that we are yet to witness unsportsmanlike behaviour and antics from players similar to the antics of John McEnroe in tennis, for example. Maybe the fact that there is no Umpire to contradict the golf player might have something to do with this!

Of course it goes without saying that the choice of clubs used for certain shots is a key component of success. This is why the caddy should be the golfer's best friend when it comes to club choices. And their worst should the choice not be the appropriate one!

Whether you play golf for fun or professionally you will find the information, advice and tips necessary to improve your game.

Visit for further tips.

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Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Improve Your Game With Titleist Golf Clubs

To play perfect golf, you need to train with professionals and buy the right equipment. As you develop your skills, the right tools will boost your effort. The best golf clubs have excellent fitting, and they are custom-made to give you an impressive performance. The Titleist golf clubs are elegant high performance clubs with a precise fitting for perfect clubbing. These will make your practice experience worthwhile to pave the way for you to become a champion. As you learn about the best golf swings, you will enjoy training with these clubs since they are smooth to handle for the right swings. Designed for champions their clubs have the best angle at 360-degree grip. They also have proper thickness and speed.

Golf trainers recommend them because of their quality and reliability. Their golf clubs are comfortable for all body sizes. Men and women will find them ideal for consistency when hitting the ball. This makes it the best tool to help you try all challenging curves. They come in various designs to suit all your golf experiences. You can make long straight shots easily, because the clubs have more lofts to hit the ball as high as you wish. The larger volume types of the range of clubs from Titleist Golf allow you to make well-calculated short putts. They have dual angle hosel technology to enhance accuracy within all distances.

To be an expert at golf, you need confidence. These Titleist golf clubs will help you develop your skill by delivering outstanding performances on all swings. Patented at a dual angle SureFit Tour (SFT), they help you maximize on your shots for better control. Acoustically engineered Titleist golf clubs give remarkable sound and feel. Amateur golfers seek to have their personalized swings and shots. As you train with these professional equipments, you enhance your chances of having your own unique swings. You get to choose the best shaft from their selection for excellent speed and feel.

To become a Tiger Woods or Steve Striker in golf, you need to develop your confidence, grip, speed, and style. Titleist Golf produce customisable golf clubs to help you grow these qualities and master your game. To enhance your performance, these metallic clubs will inspire you for excellence and uniqueness. As you play with these clubs, you will look and feel good for more confidence. This is the ingredient for the best swings by champions. Their precision will ensure that you make no mistakes and that you learn to make independent lofts. Top ranked golfers have used these clubs to get to the top. For guaranteed high performance, these golf clubs make no mistake. They fit all kinds of golfers, and they will take you to the lead through consistent moves and reliable swings.

Carl Liver

If you're looking for a great deal then make sure you visit us for great deals on Titleist Golf Clubs So make sure you come visit the great deals and have a look at our example of Titleist Clubs.

View the original article here

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Improve Your Golf Score With a Golf Swing Video

If you are like the majority of golfers, you are always working to better your golf game. If golf means anything at all to you, there is probably never a day that you don't think about improving your level of performance. After all, it is really impossible for you to make the most out of your time on the green if you are unable to play the best that you can.

If you want to be at the height of your game and improve your golf score, then you have to properly manage your swing. Even if you have almost reached the level of a professional golfer, the odds are that you still don't have a perfect swing. If you could fix the weak elements of your swing, then you could improve your golf score within a very short period of time.

A golf swing video is one way that you could refine your swing. Of course, you can't just watch any video. You want one that is produced by an expert golfer who really knows the game. This is a person who has the accomplishments and certifications to show that he knows what he is teaching.

It is important to note that anyone can produce a video these days. To see this, all you have to do is go to YouTube and watch videos produced by people from 5 years of age to 101. Having a video does not mean that you are reliable instructor, a person who can teach and actually knows his subject matter. Keep that fact in your head as you browse through the thousands of video options on the market.

The Effectiveness of a Golf Swing Video

After you have decided that you would like to make an investment in a golf video, you must decide if you believe you can effectively enhance your game skill by using such a product. Even having the number one video on the market can be pointless if you do not make use of the knowledge it gives you. You must get out on a course and practice what you learn as often as possible.

The main reason why you should watch the golf swing video is so that you can locate any incorrect motions you might be making during your swing movements. There are many moves that you could be making improperly. You could be pivoting your foot incorrectly or your stance could be wrong. You might even be ending your follow-through a bit too early.

To properly assess your golf swing, you need to be able to see yourself. The best way to do this is by watching yourself in action on a video recording. This recording will allow you to compare your golf swing to the swing made by the golf pro in the video so that you can recognize the weak elements of your game.

Once you start incorporating your newfound knowledge in your golf, you should be able to see a difference in your score. As you practice, you should keep track of your performance so that your scores will let you know if your golf swing tutorial is allowing you to better your game.

Maria A Lopez has written a number of well-written articles on golf swing helpers and they can be found at Golf Swing Reviews. Golf Swing Tutorial is available with a wealth of information for anyone would like to learn more about Golf Swing Techniques.

View the original article here

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Improve Your Game and Enhance Your Passion for the Sport

Anyone who has ever mentioned the game of golf has surely mentioned that mastering the golf swing is the hardest part of the game. When you swing, you have to work almost every single muscle you have. A swing is a very complicated series of movements. Even so, if one motion fails, then the entire swing is ruined. Since the golf swing does have so many actions, it is quite difficult to diagnose its erroneous parts.

As a golfer goes through the motions of the swing, it is truly a complex arrangement. Only a sharp analyst can diagnose faults in such an intricate mechanism. It will take a person just as skilled to be able to fix them.

Looking at How to Improve Your Golf Game

When you first started playing golf, you probably thought about everything you did during your swing. The game was so exciting and new that you noticed everything and made every movement count. That was then of course. Now you play the game of golf automatically, and you no longer think about whether or not you are making a decent golf swing.

This complacency has probably led you to some very bad playing habits. The sad thing is that you are more than likely unaware of the fact you have these practices. Your golf swing is now as much a part of you as your name is. Your muscles have even memorized the movements of your swing and stance. As such, you will continue to play golf the same way unless you analyze each feature of your golf swing.

How exactly are you supposed to analyze your own movements? It is not like you can watch yourself and swing your club at the same time. What you can do is videotape your performance. Then you can observe your movements later. The best part about taping your golf swing is that you can watch yourself over and over again and at a slow speed. This way you can see even the hard to find faults in your actions.

Fixing the Mechanics of Your Pre-Swing Posture

The only way to better your golf swing is by improving your pre-swing procedures. Have you squared your body off correctly? Are you in the right position? Have you balanced your weight evenly on both legs so that you have the proper stance?

You also do not want to forget to keep your hands in the correct position so that your wrists will remain where they should throughout the swing. It may seem impossible to do all of this at one time, but with practice, you will eventually make this a habit that will improve your golf game.

By examining your actions before and during your golf swing, you can locate the weak areas of your game and improve them. The end result will be you lowering your score and enjoying the game even more.

For more information, visit Golf Swing Helpers. They have a complete resource center including a Free Special Report, fun survey, a wealth of articles and some product reviews. See more related articles by Bing Wang at Golf Swing Reviews.

View the original article here

Sunday, December 4, 2011

The Ryder Cup - The Trophy and Its Prestige

The Ryder Cup is one prestigious trophy that's also one of the most unique in the world. It is won through the Ryder Cup Matches, the golf event that happens once every two years between the best professional golfers of USA and those of Europe. This tournament rakes in huge profits from viewership and sponsorship, just like any other international pro golf competition. However, in this particular event, absolutely no prize money goes to the winning team, just the Ryder Cup. It's all for the victory and pride of the team.

The first official Ryder Cup competition was held in 1927. An English businessman and golf enthusiast named Samuel Ryder decided to sponsor a competition that would feature British and Irish golfers against the Americans. Ryder had a gold cup made by Mappin & Webb, a noted silversmith company in England. It was worth 100 guineas (a little over GBP 100 today) at that time. He donated this gold cup as the competition's trophy and named it after himself. Thus, the Ryder Cup was born.

The dominance of the USA in the event for consecutive years led to the decision of including other European golfers to the exclusive team of British and Irish players. In 1979, the rising golfers from Spain, Seve Ballesteros and Antonio Garrido, joined the new Team Europe. Although Team USA still prevailed that year, the efforts of Team Europe paid off in the following years to the present. Since 1979, Team Europe has won 8 times, while Team USA, 7. In one competition, the two teams ended up in a tied score, resulting to Team Europe retaining the trophy.

Going to the 2012 Matches, Team Europe holds the title and looks forward to hanging on to it for another two years, at least. To determine their players for the coming competition, the top 5 players on the Ryder Cup European Points List will automatically qualify for the team. The top 5 players in the Ryder Cup World Points List would also be included. Lastly, Jose Maria Olazabal, Team Europe's captain for the year, will pick 2 more players to complete their 12-man lineup.

On the other side of the tournament, Team USA will be made up of the leading 8 players in the Ryder Cup World Points List and 4 players to be chosen by Davis Love III, their team captain for the 2012 competition.

Team Europe and Team USA will battle it out again in the greens to see who'll take home the gold trophy that represents the victory and pride of the team. To be held at the Medinah Country Club in Illinois, USA, the 2012 Ryder Cup Matches is set to attract the Europeans, Americans and golf enthusiasts all over the world once more to watch this illustrious sporting event.

Looking for an impressive trophy for your company's golf tournament or other sporting event? Visit the Awards and Trophies website to see their wide selection of trophies - from gold cups to athlete figurines.

View the original article here

Friday, December 2, 2011

Spotlight on Cleveland Golf

Cleveland Golf is located in Huntington Beach, California and has produced and sold golf clubs since 1979 under the direction of founder Roger Cleveland. However in the 1940s and 1950s the company started with production of remarkable replicas. In 1990 Cleveland was bought out by ski company Rossignol, who themselves were bought by Huntington Beach-based Quicksilver in 2005. In 2007 Quicksilver sold to Japan based SRI Sports Unlimited who are the owners of Dunlop Sport.

Today Cleveland is highly regarded as the leader in product innovation. It has three international affiliates Japan, Europe and Canada. They currently have 26 distributors worldwide. Greg Hopkins who joined them in 1997 has developed for them a high performance production line available to every level golfer. As part of their touring professionals they count with Vijay Singh, Boo Weekley, Joe Durant, and David Howell and many more.

It is technology like CMM metal, golf's first light density, which has established Cleveland golf clubs among the best in the business. Cleveland Golf is also known for the best wedge according to many. Take a look at the CG 16 which is designed with a lighter overall club weight and a longer club length for greater distance.

Just this year they released their latest addition to the range of Cleveland golf clubs, the Mashie Hybrid; a utility club with an old school look. The finish is a throwback to early metal woods. This hybrid is 30 times lighter than most traditional utilities. A faster head speed for more ball speed and carry. The sole rails provide stability while a solid feel and sound at impact. This should be one of clubs to look at while considering which hybrid to use.

Golf accessories are among the most regarded as well. These clubs creates highest performing products with you the golfer in mind. With a wide array of apparel, travel bags, umbrellas, headwear, gloves and so much more. Classics golf apparels' new collection touches on true yet timeless classics but with modern age technology and comfort. The variety of Cleveland golf accessories will allow the golfer to practice golf and travel in style.

Cleveland Golf has also been a partner with the Red Cross and Green Tea Charity Campaign in helping the victims of the hurricane and tsunami that devastated Japan. They have donated 100 million in Japanese yen and goods to support the recovery and relief efforts. They also donated percentages from golf ball sales and online sales towards this cause.

Carl Liver

If you're a fan of Cleveland Golf, Then make sure to visit us! We have a great selection of Cleveland Golf Clubs.

View the original article here

Monday, November 28, 2011

The Stress of Competitive Junior Golf on Young Players

Adults face a myriad of different stressors on any given day - family, work, financial, health etc. Since most of our junior golfers don't have to deal with these issues, it can be easy to sometimes forget the stressors of both being a teenager in general and a competitive junior golfer. The stress of the modern day teenager is beyond the scope of this article, but I would like to address how the world of junior golf can be a source of stress for our kids, and offer some potential techniques and suggestions to help them deal with it.

Stress has many definitions, but for our purposes we will focus on how our junior golfer experiences and internalizes the conditions (real or imagined) of golf, and how it affects him/her both on and off the golf course. All kids are unique, so what might cause stress for one, will not even be noticed by his friend. However, there are a few common issues that I see with a large percentage of junior golfers:

Putting pressure on themselves to play to a high levelFeeling pressure from their parents to play to a high level (not intentional by the parents). The physical and mental demands of practice. Less time to spend with friends

It is important to discuss these topics (and any others that you suspect) with your junior golfer, and assist them in relieving the stress in productive and healthy ways, before they become a problem that manifests itself in physical symptoms. The symptoms of "stress overload" in juniors can include irritability, anger, sadness (even to the point of tears), signs of depression, isolation, a drop in school performance, etc.

Here are a few options for stress relief:

1. Visualization - there are many techniques that help juniors to relax and begin to recognize that despite how it may seem, everything will be OK. These include guided sessions that they can listen to daily on Cd or MP3s with their headsets.

2. Positive Self-Talk - negative self-talk is common among juniors, and can be very destructive. Teach your junior to be kind to themselves.

3. Deep Breathing - shallow "chest breathing" creates tension in the neck and shoulders. Teach your junior to breath with the diaphragm (into the belly).

4. Ensuring proper nutrition, hydration and sleep (8-10 hours a night!)

Recognizing the source of the stress and talking about it is the first vital step. Then you can work with your junior golfer on ways to feel better, play better and enjoy the sport.

Stephen Ladd is the president of Renegade Golf, a company dedicated to helping golfers improve through golf specific programs and comprehensive training methods, including Golf Strength and Conditioning, Holistic Nutrition and Lifestyle Coaching, and Cutting-Edge Psychology. He is recognized as an industry leader, having worked with close to 6,000 golfers in 39 different countries. Stephen holds national certifications as a golf fitness trainer with several organizations including The Titleist Performance Institute and the C.H.E.K Institute Golf Performance Coaching Program. To discover more about his Golf Training For Juniors System and a Free Report - Busted: The Top 5 Myths of Junior Golf Training, visit:

View the original article here

Saturday, November 26, 2011

USGA - Rate the Red Tees For Men

Earlier this year, the USGA and the PGA of America had a campaign to encourage golfers to play from the set of tees that are appropriate to their level of skill. I hope it went well, because the whole point was to make golf more fun and easier to play. What few male golfers know is that the right tees might be the red ones.

For years, the red tees have been called the Ladies' Tees. They're for short-hitting women. This needs to stop, or rather, become more inclusive. There are some short-hitting men out there, too. In general, if you can't drive the ball more than 200 yards, you should be playing from the reds. The other tees present a course that is too long for you.

Even if you can hit the ball farther than 200 yards with a driver, but are pretty wild with it, you can play from the shorter tees, hit something off the tee that will keep the ball in play, shoot a better score, and... have more fun.

But some (actually, many) men feel that their manhood would come into question if they played from the red tees, even if they are hacks from the next set longer. Their loss, I'm afraid.

There is another reason why men won't play from the red tees, and that is there is no course rating for men, at least as far as I have ever seen. Look at the scorecards of the courses you play. There will be an M and L rating for the white tees, maybe the blues, but the reds only have an L rating. That means if a man plays from them, his score can't be turned in for handicap purposes.

It's not that playing from the red tees will make a 90-shooter a scratch golfer, either. It might lower their score by four strokes. You might get the ball up the green quicker, but you still have to get the ball in the hole. The red tees make the game easier, but not that much easier. I know. I play from the red tees with my grandson, and I shoot only two strokes better for nine holes than I normally do.

And, having only an L rating perpetuates the myth that the reds are "Ladies'" tees. Look right there on the scorecard -- L for ladies. What could be plainer?

So I'm calling on the USGA to encourage local rating organizations to establish course ratings for men at the red tees. If this body wants people to play from the right tees, then all barriers need to be removed, and this one is in the USGA's purview. I'm even thinking of forming a committee to rate the red tees for men as soon as I can think of a title that lends itself to a catchy acronym.

In the meantime, if you want to have some fun, play a round from the red tees. You'll hit different clubs, see a different course, and shoot a lower score, which is always good for the ego.

At last! A golf instruction book by a recreational golfer for recreational golfers. Better Recreational Golf shows you how to play consistently, starting from where you are. This is the instruction book you've been looking for. Get started right now by reading this FREE download at

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Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Learn And Maintain Proper Golf Alignment To Help Your Golf Swing Path

Golf alignment is a fundamental of the golf swing setup and it is very important if you want to have a swing that is consistent and on the proper golf swing path. Misalignment with the golf setup, on the other hand, can cause errant golf shots due to swing path problems.

There are a few helpful tips which will get your golf alignment on track so you can hit straighter golf shots. First of all, when we talk about alignment in the golf setup, we are referring to the clubface, the feet, hips, shoulders, and even the forearms. As you setup to the ball, everything should be parallel to your target line with regards to your body. The clubface should be facing your target or where you want the ball to start out after impact.

It's helpful in your preshot routine and as you set up to the golf ball to first align your clubface as you set it directly behind the ball. Once you've set the club head down, then it's time to get your feet and the rest of your body square. The goal for correct golf alignment is to get everything parallel with your target line of where you want the ball to start after you've hit it.

It's easy for a golfer to get misaligned without even being aware of it. It's a good idea to check your alignment from time to time and even work on it at the driving range every so often. A great way to work on alignment at the range is to lay a club down on the ground in between your feet and the ball so that it is parallel with your target line. Then you can check your feet so that they are each the same distance away from the golf club. This drill will get your feet in alignment and it is then just a matter of squaring up your hips and shoulders so that they are over your feet and aligned in the same direction.

To check the alignment of your shoulders or your hips, just get in your setup position and then take a club and put it across the line of your shoulders and hips while maintaining your posture. You then want to look and see if the club points just parallel of your target. If it's not you can make the adjustment and get everything square. This will really help you start the club on the correct path and promote swinging the club on a good path especially in and near the impact zone. Good golf alignment will help your swing path and get your hitting better golf shots.

Start playing better golf today with our Golf Swing System. The Golf Swing Genius is a top golf instructor who has developed a golf swing system for golfers of all levels. Visit our website for more easy and effective Golf Swing Tips.

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Sunday, November 20, 2011

Ladies Golf Clubs - What Fits You Best

Ladies golf clubs are typically lighter in total weight, shorter in shaft height, more flexible, with smaller grips than men's golf clubs. With the advent of the LPGA, Ladies Professional Golf Association, in 1950, ladies golf clubs have become much more commonplace in the marketplace.

Manufacturing Technologies

The technologies used in crafting the best ladies golf clubs are the same as for men's clubs; this fact creates an even playing course for both genders. However, due to a lady's smaller physical build and correlating lack of muscle strength (generally speaking, of course), ladies golf clubs are lighter, thus playing to a slower swing speed. The ladies can get the most out of their clubs if they do, indeed, buy clubs made for the ladies.

Ladies Grips

Typically, ladies hands are smaller and more delicate than men's hands; therefore, ladies grips have a smaller diameter, to ensure proper physical contact with clubs and a comfortable swing. Grips are a very important aspect of ladies clubs, as well as men's, due to the fact that this is the point of contact between the golfer and her club. Properly sized, no-slip grips should be used.

Ladies Irons

Ladies Iron golf clubs are more flexible, i.e. they bend, and have a weightier clubhead than men's. Although the total club weight is lighter than men's clubs, the heavier and larger clubhead, along with a more flexible shaft, are designed to maximize a woman's slower swing speed. Women are literally empowered with a stronger swing and hit with the above combination. (Some men enjoy using ladies Iron golf clubs because they, too, can achieve more swing power.)

Women's Woods

The typical ladies Wood clubs contain a higher-angled loft and weigh less than men's Woods. In addition, ladies Wood golf clubs come in a larger size range. Ladies Woods go up as far as a 13-Wood; this particular club can replace a long Iron due to how easy it is to hit with.

Women's Drivers

Ladies Driver clubs allow women to gain more distance, speed and a higher trajectory on the ball by beginning the loft angles at 12 degrees, versus a man's 9 to 11 degrees. The higher loft angle projects the ball upward, off the tee, and into the air more easily. This, combined with a more flexible shaft and lighter total weight of the club make the ladies strong on the golf course, from their very first hit.

Pastel Colors

Female golfers have many choices in the ladies golf club world; not only for brand names, off-brand names, angles of loft and lie, shaft length and flex, and grips. The ladies have a wider variety of color for grips and shafts from which to choose. This fact does not necessarily improve one's game; it simply allows women to express themselves in a more colorful kind of way.

If you are a lady golfer and need more information, or if you are looking to buy a club set for your wife or your girlfriend, you may find more information about cheap ladies golf clubs by following this link. Cheap doesn't mean they are cheap in quality. You will be able to find a better club set for a competitive price.

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Thursday, November 17, 2011

Is Your Golf Course Receptive To Ladies Golf?

Let's face it, golf has always been more of a male dominated sport. More and more, however, women are taking an interest in the game of golf. Ladies golf has increased tremendously over the past few years as it has become easier and more acceptable for us to get into it. And why shouldn't we? After all, what could be more pleasurable than being outside enjoying the beautiful scenery while spending time socializing with friends?

There are still men out there who have the viewpoint that ladies golf should be nonexistent. We will not let them intimidate us as, though, as these are the types of men that we want to avoid whether it is golf related or not. Many of the golf courses today not only welcome us but have agenda set up to encourage women golfers. Ladies golf programs are popping up all over the place to get more women involved.

Here are a few tips to help determine if a golf course is female friendly:

·Check to see if they have a ladies golf league. Whether or not you are interested in joining at this time is not the main purpose. This will help to determine if the course supports and encourages women golfers.

· Ask if they have group lessons available for women. Whether you are a beginner, intermediate or advanced player you will be grouped with your level of players. It is a less expensive way to take lessons and you get the advantage of meeting lady golfers playing at your level AND improving your game.

·Check to see if they have other activities geared specifically for women. Some clubs have tournaments and events for women even if they do not have a ladies golf league.

·Do they have a woman pro on staff? Often times if they do she will be more involved in and eager to get ladies golf programs and agenda set up and maintained within the club.

Keep in mind that you do not necessarily have to join a golf club or country club to find golf courses that take an interest in ladies golf. There are many public courses that have ladies golf leagues and offer group lessons. Often times these clubs will be more laid back and accepting of woman and beginner golfers.

Another way to find out more about ladies golf is through golf associations. There are several ladies golf associations and many of them have chapters all throughout the United States and more. Your best bet is to do an internet search for "woman's golf associations" and see what comes up. One of the largest is EWGA (Executive Women's Golf Association). They have chapters all over the United States and internationally, and will most likely have one near your home town.

Golf is a wonderful sport for ladies. We enjoy the camaraderie and relationships of new women we're just meeting as well as old time friends. It's all about going out and having fun; making it a positive experience. So boo to any club that doesn't want us....we have better places to play!

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Monday, November 14, 2011

The Latest in Golf Equipments

If you're an avid golfer, you know there's no stopping technology and engineering in developing the latest in golf equipments. Golfers will seek out any new technology that can help them shave strokes from their golf score and improve their handicap. Shooting out of the rough is one of the challenges golfers' faces that can dramatically improve, or devastate, a player's golf game.

The material engineers, technicians and golf scientists at ProTouch golf have come up with an amazing advance in golf equipments, the ProTouch Wedge. For less than $100, the 56 degree and 60 degree wedges are available to smash through the stroke barrier that's been keeping you from your best game. Both pieces of these equipments will cost you less than $150.

If you were worried about tweaking your stance and distorting your golf swing in the rough or in a bunker, because you were using equipment that was designed before 1940, this company takes the equipment technology leap straight into the 21st century. It features patented Sole Channel technology. The Sole Channel technology has little or no resistance when your club contacts the ball. Most wedges stall at this point, potentially throwing the ball off course, and you know about what happens after that.

Its Sole Channel technology creates channels that allow grass, soil, sand and air to travel through the club, enabling its surface to smoothly glide under the ball. It is a piece of modern golf equipment that allows you to maintain your proper stance and swing even in rough environments. This is unheard of in golf clubs and wedges of the past.

It is your short game's secret weapon, and it's affordable too. With its advantage in golf, you won't be in danger of shanking or doffing your ball in the rough. Think about the strokes this equipmentwill take off your score right away! The majority of golfers who've already used the ProTouch Wedge say this affordable piece of golf club saved those about ten strokes per round. Engineering design, material and knowledge of how real people play golf has improved the ProTouch Wedge to give you the extra advantage when shooting from bunkers, in sand and out of the rough - even in the roughest golf course circumstances and situations.

It has made incredible technological advancement in materials. Shock your foursome by getting one or both of the ProTouch Wedges and suddenly hitting shots out of the rough with your normal stance and no wasted strokes. The ProTouch Wedge is a legal piece of golf club approved by the USGA. At less than $100, or $150 for both pieces of golf clubs, it is affordable and it also brings success for those rough, tough inside shots that can improve your score immediately.

The 56 and 60 degree ProTouch Wedges are affordable, innovative new technology in golf clubs. For more information and reviews on golf clubs visit us at MyReviewsNow.Net

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Friday, November 11, 2011

Stages Involved In Learning To Play Golf Well

Golf is a challenging game to learn. There are few golfers who do not find themselves both surprised and a little frustrated by its complexities.

One's first thought is that it really should not be too difficult to play golf. You are after all simply aiming to hit a ball with an appropriate implement and direct that ball along a fairway. And eventually you have to get it into a hole, again using an appropriate club.

You soon realize that you initial thoughts were a little simplistic. That ball turns out to be more difficult to hit that it first appeared. It's all too easy to take aim and just hit fresh air, completely missing the ball. You begin to appreciate that a little work will be required to get that ball moving at all, let alone sending it flying in the right direction.

And so most people spend a fair amount of time struggling away on the range until that ball begins to respond in the way you wish it to. Probably every golfer will acknowledge that to take some lessons at this early stage of the game is a very wise move indeed. You thereby learn good techniques from the start, and that helps a lot. There are easier and harder ways in which to swing a golf club and you may as well ingrain techniques that are easier and more superior.

This stage of learning to play golf is mechanical and technique oriented. It involves practice and repetition. And eventually you are rewarded by being able to hit the ball further and straighter along the fairway. You feel great as you begin to think that you can play this pesky game after all.

Yet as soon as you think that thought, another challenge appears within this game called golf. You begin to realize that your mind can play tricks on you. You learn to appreciate the need to tame your mind and dial in your focus. You have to control your emotions. The mental game of golf is a game in itself, within the game of golf.

Once you gain a little mastery of the mental game of golf you have yet another stage of the game to traverse. To play golf well you need to employ your creativity. You have to be able to see a shot and follow your instincts to find a way in which to create the shot that you have seen.

Arguably this is part of the mental game, as you see the shot in your mind's eye and then set about creating it. In fact what is happening is that your mental and creative focus triggers in you the ability to explore and develop further in your technical ability. Your play becomes less "robotic" and more creative.

Think Seve here, and you'll appreciate what I am saying. Your ability to see a shot clearly allows you to improve and hone in your technique. The task you set in your mind leads you to develop new and greater technique. It leads you to "feel" your golf shots.

You can see when a golfer truly feels their shots. You can see the focus upon their face as they take their practice swing, feeling how the club head brushes the grass, taking a few swings until they have that perfect feel. And then they set up to the ball and feel that same swing repeat itself again.

And so the stages of learning to play golf naturally feed from one to the next. You learn your basic technique and then you start to focus and get your mind on side. You start to see your shots and develop your creative mind to set tasks which further develop your technique and eventually you really feel your shots.

Golf is a wonderful game to learn and to play in innumerable ways. It is very challenging but at the same time enormously rewarding. And there is always more to learn!

Roseanna Leaton, avid golfer and specialist in golf hypnosis mp3s and author of the GolferWithin golf mind training system.

P.S. Discover how to focus your golf mind, become more creative and develop better feel and technique through your mind. Check out my website now.

Improve your golf focus and develop creativity with mental golf training from These golf mind mp3s will give you the winning edge that you are looking for.

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Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Putter Headweight - What Is Ideal or Is It Just a Matter of Personal Opinion?

The putter headweight is important to the feel of your putter. It can lead to your putter feeling too head heavy, too light, or just right.

A putter is assembled from three component parts: the putter head, the shaft, and the grip. In manufacture the maker decides the weight of the putter head, the corresponding shaft length, and the type of grip. The balance between these parts can be measured by calculating the putter's swingweight on a swingweight scale.

Unfortunately the assembled putter that you buy may not fit you and may require some modification. However, when you do this, for example, by shortening the putter length or by fitting an oversize grip, you change the original factory swingweight.

The importance of the actual number on the swingweight scale is debatable. This is because your putter is a one-off club and doesn't have to be matched to the other clubs in your set. However, club maker Ralph Maltby recommends that a putter should measure between C8 and D6. Below C8 he considers too light, above D6 too heavy.

I decided to check the swingweight of some of the putters that golfers at my club use. I tested 67 putters of different makes and models ranging from Odyssey to Ping to Scotty Cameron to TaylorMade. The range of swingweights stretched from C3 to E9. This was not surprising as the swingweight of a putter is primarily driven by the putter length and the weight of its head. A number of the putters had been cut down, and a few had oversize grips.

Scotty Cameron appears to be the only maker that includes the swingweight of his putters in the list of specifications. He changes the head weight according to the length of the putter - and this combination of length and putter head weight is shown as a swingweight range.

The standard length of an off-the-rack putter is 35 inches. Some manufacturers offer shorter lengths, but often do this without increasing the weight of the putter head. This will have the effect of making the putter head feel lighter.

A number of putters now have adjustable weights in the sole of the putter. This allows you to add or subtract weight. It is certainly more convenient that using lead tape.

The trend in putter design is to offer the customer more options, moving in the direction of shorter shaft lengths and heavier putter head weighting. That said, the feel of a putter is personal and its feel can also be influenced by the ball you play and if there is an insert in the putter head.

Should you worry about your weight of your putter head? This depends on you and what feels just right, remembering, of course, that there is no one best swingweight or putter headweight.

To read more about swingweight go to my web site and enter 'swingweight' in the Google Search.

Neville Walker has a passion for golf and is actively involved in researching information on all aspects of Putting and Putter Technology. His dedicated web site is written specifically to help fellow golfers achieve greater success on the green with the flat stick.

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Sunday, November 6, 2011

Rescue Your Game With a Golf Swing Training Aid

Golf is a game that should always be fun, but quite often for the frustrated golfer, it is far from enjoyable. The game becomes more tedious than pleasant when a golfer feels that he just can't seem to play any better.

You are certain that you are doing everything perfect, but for some reason your drives are not long or accurate. Every once in a while, you get lucky, but you wish your game was more consistent. If this sounds like your story, then a golf swing training aid could really be quite beneficial to you.

A number of golfers don't even bother to practice anymore. For a while they practiced every chance they got, but then they became frustrated when their efforts did not result in a better game. If you are practicing poor mechanics, then you certainly are not going to improve your golf swing.

All you're doing by repeating the same mistakes is teaching your body the wrong way to perform. Unfortunately after a while, the muscles you use in your golf swing will find it difficult to respond any other way. This will make it even harder for you to improve your golf game.

The easiest way to correct your swing faults is with the assistance of a golf swing tutorial. When you work on your game with an aid of this sort, you can instantly begin to eliminate the bad habits of your swing form. Using the golf swing training aid as a guide, you can replace the flaws with strong, solid motions that improve your swing. In time, your muscles will become so accustomed to the proper golf swing, that they will have a problem performing any other way.

Rescuing your golf game has never been easier because of all the technological advances. So many creative and engaging products are available because the demand for great golf training aids is huge. As a result, companies are continuously striving to respond to these demands with newer and better goods. When they are successful in creating popular products, these firms see a huge increase in their profits.

If you can afford to do so, you should work with a golf instructor face-to-face. The advantage of doing this is that you will have a person who can observe your swing motions and hopefully be able to identify your flaws during the movements.

Of course your instructor will work with you to improve your swing, but they can also help you better your game by suggesting a top-notch golf swing training aid that can help you take your game to the next level. If working with a golf expert is out of the question, you also have the option of turning to any friends and family members who play the game of golf very well.

The best way for you to observe your own golf swing performance is by watching a videotape of you practicing your swing. Using a slow motion feature to review the tape, you should be able to see some of the errors in your game. Once you have identified the flaws in your swing, you will be able to take full advantage of a golf swing training aid.

Learn more about Improving Your Golf Swing and claim your Free Special Report which is just packed full of related articles, product reviews and fun survey. See more related articles by Emily Diaz at Golf Swing Reviews.

View the original article here

Friday, November 4, 2011

Release The Club, the Wrist's Special Function

The golf swing is a complicated function of the shoulders as well as the other areas of the body that come into play during the swing. It is important to understand that each aspect of the swing is important in its own right. However, some of the functions such as the weight shift/hip turn, transition at the top, and take away, to mention a few, rely mainly on feel. Many of the areas of the swing rely on a certain amount of innate athletic ability. There is really no way to "teach" these functions except to suggest certain feelings the golfer should feel or certain exercises to produce the desired feeling. Teachers tend to use trial and error methods using different techniques to produce the same result.

However, there are some aspects of the golf swing that aren't difficult to convey and can easily be understood and easily taught. That's not to say that they are easy to do. It's also hard to remember numerous different movements and to train your body to do them in a swing that is systematic, smooth, and flowing with good tempo. Therefore, certain aspects of the golf swing must be practiced in a way so that they can be incorporated into the swing without really thinking about them.

One part of the golf swing that may be learned easily is the proper wrist release. First, it is necessary to clear up some misunderstandings about how the golfer should release the club. Some writings on the golf swing seem to suggest that the wrist release is a matter of "rolling the wrists". The wrists and ultimately the club are not released by rolling the wrists. Although the wrists in fact do roll during the golf swing.

Prior to impact with the ball the wrists release into the ball which is commonly referred to by the term "release the club". However, it's very important that the wrists release properly. The wrists and club must release much like the way a fisherman would cast a fishing pole. Take a couple of practice casts with an imaginary fishing pole to get the feeling. Then observe your wrist and forearm as you practice this move. Notice how the back of the wrists and the back of the forearm are on the same plane as you cast the pole. This is the same way the wrists release when striking the ball. The release is much more of an up and down movement than it is a side to side movement. It is critical to understand this as any deviation from the proper wrist release will cause a "slapped" shot and not a downward thrust into the ball and through the turf. There are numerous training aids that can help the golfer perform a proper wrist release. Greg Norman endorses one that should do the trick.

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Monday, October 31, 2011

Software to Improve Your Game of Golf

Technology seems to amaze us all. It is changing the way we live and even play sports. One of the sports that has benefited from technological advances is the game of golf. Thanks to computers and recent electronic developments, people can improve their swings with just a few clicks.

Everyone is aware of how you can utilize the services of a golf instructor to become a better golfer. Even so, there is no guarantee that an established golf pro will be able to help you find erroneous elements of your swing. After all, these experts are only human and subject to their own flaws. When it comes to analyzing something as complex as a golf swing, it can be extremely difficult even for the best golf pro in town.

You will increase your productivity with a golf instructor if you have a videotape of your golf swing performance. This will allow the pro to evaluate every element of your swing by slowly advancing the film. While this can be very helpful in improving your golf game, there are better products on the market now. Today, you have the option of using golf analysis software to evaluate your own level of skill.

There are many programs from which you can choose. Numerous companies have created their own versions of the software. To use the majority of these products, all you need is the software, a computer and a video camera. Using the software for analysis is quite simple. You upload the video into the golf swing program, and then the computer compares you swing to a virtual image of the ideal movements. The data you receive will cover many elements of your swing including:

• Body alignment
• Ball speed and angle
• Speed of the club head
• Swing plane
• Positioning of the head
• Knee position
• Hip position
• Timing
• Spine and shaft angle

As hard as one might try, it would be impossible for a human to absorb all the motions of a golf. The movement is too complex and goes so quickly. Luckily, golf swing analysis software packages that golfers can use in their own homes. This software can aptly handle the job of identifying the weak elements in a player's swing. Using the software is also the fastest and most convenient method of bettering your golf game.

Best of all, golf swing software kits are relatively inexpensive. You can easily get one for less than what you would pay a golf instructor for a few hours of service. While you will have to keep paying for human golf instruction, you will only have to buy the right software once. Even better, you can use it anytime you like.

Maria A Lopez has written a number of well-written articles on Golf Swing Helpers and they can be found at Golf Swing Reviews. Golf Swing Tutorial is available with a wealth of information for anyone would like to learn more about Golf Swing Techniques.

View the original article here

Friday, October 28, 2011

Obtaining the Perfect Golf Swing

There is not a single golfer who has never dreamed of having a golf swing that is flawless. Of course, mastering the swing is not easy, and oftentimes, many people simply want to stop trying to improve their movements. Honest players who can admit that they have room for improvement will find it much easier to accomplish the perfect golf technique.

Golf players are very good at making excuses why their scores are so high. They can blame it on the clouds or the course itself. They can also say they feel poorly or are distracted by personal matters. None of these excuses will help any golfer improve his swing. If your objective is to lower your game score, then you will need to truthfully admit your golfing issues. In most cases, the error typically lies in a player's swing.

There are numerous golf instruction products which can be used as golf swing aids. First of all, you can purchase training tools which will track the movements of a golfer's swing for precision. Similar aids can evaluate a player's stance. There is even a wrist device which functions by ensuring the wrist is correctly positioned throughout a swing. These few items do not even represent a small portion of the golf resources that can be used to enhance a player's performance.

One can think of all these products as remedies, but you should not just go out and buy anything without doing the proper research. Before you go into a pharmacy to buy medicine, you have to know what your symptoms are. The same ideology applies to perfecting your golf techniques. If you want to fix your swing, then you need to know what is wrong with it.

The best way to diagnose your swing ailment is by assessing a variety of golf swings. You can do this in several ways:

• Using computer software, you can analyze a tape recording of your golf performance. The program will tell you what is wrong with your swing.

• Purchase a video that guides you through all the elements of a proper golf swing.

• Make a recording of a professional golfer. Compare the performance with your own.

• Have a golf expert analyze your golf techniques.

Once you have identified the reasons why your swing is not perfect, then you can take steps to correct the flaws in your game. There are many ways you can enhance your swing. Among them are training aids and computer programs which can help you lower your score.

For more information, visit Golf Swing Helpers. They have a complete resource center including a Free Special Report, fun survey, a wealth of articles and some product reviews. Bing Wang has written a number of well-written articles on golf swing and they can be found at Golf Swing Reviews.

View the original article here

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Teaching Golf to Kids

Everyone who has played golf knows how frustrating of a sport it can be if you are struggling. When you are hitting the ball great it is amazing to be on the course, but remember back to when you were just starting out, or to a time when you just could not hit the ball right, it was frustrating, wasn't it? So when you are introducing golf to a child for the first time, you need to make sure they are having fun with it. If you put too much pressure on them or put them in situations which are difficult, they are going to get frustrated and annoyed with golf, which can quickly turn them off of it. Kids are all about having fun, if you can make learning golf fun, they will love it, if it is not fun for them, they will quit or won't put any effort into it which means they will never improve. I can't stress that fact enough.

Don't push them too hard to start, get them into the groove with some light practices so they enjoy the game. As they get more into the sport and start improving, they will naturally want to get better and put more time into practicing. Pushing them too hard from the start will overwhelm them. When first starting out they are going to want to whack away at the ball, hitting it as hard as possible, especially if they have watched Happy Gilmore! Don't stop them from this, let them swing away and have as much fun as possible with it, soon they will realize that just swinging as hard as they can is not as fun as hitting the ball straight and far. One of the key pieces to teach a kid from the start, is to always keep both feet on the ground, when kids, or anyone for that matter, swings too hard they will fall off balance. Keeping them planted and balanced is one of the first and most important things you can teach a first time golfer.

Remember how I said to make it fun? Well having little games or contests can make it interesting while practicing. See how many times they can hit it into a big target. Challenge them to a closest to the pin and you hit from farther away. Anything you can do to make it more interesting instead of just swinging over and over again will make them enjoy it more. Stay as positive as possible and keep encouraging them. Kids love to have parents be proud of them, the more positive reinforcement you can give your child while practicing, the more they are going to want to practice. This goes with anything in life, not just golf, making your kids feel important and special everyday will make them very happy. Remember, golf is a game, games are meant to be fun. Do you play games that you don't think are fun? Of course not, why would you, so why would your kid want to play golf if they hate it? Low pressure, fun practices is the key to teaching your child golf. Good luck!

Sam Davis is a contributing author who writes many articles on improving your golf game. You can find more great tips and a free ebook on the perfect golf swing at Golf Swing Basics located at

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Sunday, October 23, 2011

The Two Most Common Mistakes Golfers Make

Golfers tend to make the same mistakes over and over. They aim too far to the right and use a weak grip. Here are some helpful hints to help you avoid the two most common mistakes golfers make.

The number one mistake golfers make is aiming too far to the right. Even players who are aware of this tendency will start aiming farther and farther right as the round progresses, or as stress mounts. Tour players spend hours working on alignment. Aiming to the right forces the player to come over or around and swat at the ball with their hands, producing all manner of ugly shots, but primarily a weak slice to the right.

Even though the player misses most shots to the right, he or she will not respond by aiming farther left, but surprisingly, will aim even farther right. There is something about standing to the side of the ball that distorts the player's alignment perspective, and if you stand behind the first tee at the golf course, you will see virtually every player aim to the right.

The second most common mistakes golfers make is a grip that is too weak, meaning that the left palm is too far underneath the club, and the right hand is on top of the club. In a sense, now, the golfer is aiming even farther right, since the club will tend to open up at impact. This leads to even weaker shots even if the ball is hit solidly.

Most golfers instinctively hit the ball with their hands and arms, but not their bodies. Subconsciously, they fear hitting the ball with their bodies because they know they are risking missing the ball completely.

If golfers truly want to improve, they must accept the possibility that, for a while, some of their shots will be truly awful. But, after a short time, they will be hitting the ball farther and straighter than ever before. And the solution is simple:

Here are four tips to avoid the most common mistakes golfers make:

1. Before you hit the shot, check to make sure that the line across your toes points left of your target (the reason you want your toes left of the target, rather than at your target, is that body lines should be parallel to the target lines, not intersect them).

2. Turn your grip so that the back of your left hand and the palm of your right hand point more skyward than you are comfortable with.

Now you will hit lots of shots fat and/or to the left and you will curse me until you learn to get your body through before your hands.

4. Let me say that again because it is very important. You WILL hit shots fat and/or to the left until you learn to release your body before you release your hands. Now you will have more leverage than ever before and your swing will be simpler and more efficient. And as a bonus, you will get more exercise!

You might be reluctant to implement these changes to your golf game, especially knowing that you will hit some bad shots. Remember, professional golfers change their swings and they know they will hit bad shots until they are able to succeed using their "new" swing. Follow this advice and you too will be able to avoid the two most common mistakes golfers make.

About the Author

Lori is a professional freelance writer with over 25 years experience. She provides customized writing services for websites, blogs and more.

If you have not started your online business because you do not have time to write your website content or blog posts, you do not have to wait any longer. To get more information on how to hire a professional writer, please visit

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Friday, October 21, 2011

Nail the Short Putts

In my opinion, making putts that are inside five feet is all about having confidence in your abilities. The best short putters in the world all have incredible confidence in their putting and their ability to drain short putts. Tiger Woods was, at one point, the best putter inside five feet in the world and that was because he had confidence in himself and his putting.

It all starts with your stroke. You must have a putting stroke that is easy to repeat, achieves the best results for you and that you are comfortable with. Your stroke can be any kind of method; straight back and through, inside-to-inside, out-to-in, whatever works for you. The important part is that you trust your stroke and know that you can make putts with it.

The second key to making short putts is to check your grip pressure. Most golfers get very tense over short putts because there is that expectation that your putt must go in the hole. There is a stigma of embarrassment associated with missing a short putt, but you have to put that to the side and not let it creep into your head when over a short putt. When addressing the ball, make sure your grip pressure is very light all the way through the stroke and impact with the ball. This really helps to make sure you are not getting too tense over the ball and trying to steer the ball in the hole.

The third key to making short putts is the KEEP YOUR HEAD DOWN. I see so many amateurs lift their head up at impact or just before impact because they are too anxious to see if the ball is going in the hole. Lifting your head is the worst thing you can do because it alters your stroke and pulls your whole body away from the target. The best thing to do if you are having trouble with keeping your head down is to just listen for the ball to go in the hole. If you are within five feet of the hole, you will be able to hear the distinctive rattle of the ball falling in the cup, there is no need to lift your head. Practice keeping your head down until you hear the ball fall in the cup and then you can lift your head.

Finally, don't get caught up in the stigma that is involved with missing a short putt. The best players in the world miss putts from inside a few feet all the time, it is going to happen. You just cannot let it shake your confidence in your stroke. Practice those three keys next time you are out on the putting green and then take it to the course with you next time you play and you will be on your way to better scores and fewer three putts.

Written By:

Evan Ives
PGA Certified Golf Professional

Visit my blog for golf instruction articles, golf course reviews, golf equipment reviews and more!

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Wednesday, October 19, 2011

The Necessity of Golf Swing Lessons

There is not a golfer who does not want to play like he is on the course with the professionals.

Even when pro play at their worst, they are still better them most hobbyists on their best golf days. What determines a good golf game or a bad golf game for a golfer of any skill level? It is the golf swing. The swinging of golf is bothersome to so many because making even the smallest mistake can totally ruin the entire swing. If you want to see a positive change in your golf score, then you should think about taking some swing lessons.

The benefit of taking golf swing lessons is that the instruction will provide you with a review of your golf. This review or critique will make you aware of the good, bad, and ugly factors associated with your swing. Do not sign up for the first golf class that you come across though. Take a little time and research your options. Perhaps you know someone you trust who can offer you a recommendation for an excellent course on golf swings.

The last thing you want to do is to get stuck in a course with an unqualified teacher. The person teaching your course should be an expert in the game and have accomplishments and certificates to prove it. You should not hesitate to ask the instructor for student references either, especially if you did not come across the class by a personal recommendation. If you do decide to take lessons from a professional trainer, then you should wait until after you have a little experience on the greens. It will be quite difficult to fix your swing issues if you do not know what they are.

You should also be aware that there are other avenues for golf lessons other than meeting in person with a golf instructor. You can find lessons in computer software packages, in books, videos, and even available online for download. All of these instructional forms are much more cost-effective than hiring a golf professional. At the end of the day, your budget and your personal preference will determine which training route you choose.

People who enjoy learning on their own typically prefer golf instructional materials like the videos and books. Other players need more guidance, and they tend to favor having swing lessons with a teacher. If you have the money, utilize whatever resources you like.

If you want to learn more about golf swings, visit Golf Swing Techniques and get all your questions answered while you read your Free Special Report. Isabella Brown has written a number of well-written articles on golf swings and they can be found at Golf Swing Reviews.

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Sunday, October 16, 2011

Number 1 Secret to Conquering the Golf Course: Divide and Conquer on Every Hole

Many golfers never stop to really analyze a golf course or break down each hole into what they really are.

Most players show up with a bag full of clubs, start at hole #1 play to hole #18 using a driver on everything but the par 3s and swinging the club without ever picking a target (except on your putts). Sound familiar. Yeah I know... I've been there too.

That is until a PGA pro taught me to pick the course apart hole by hole to make even the longest par 5s nothing more than a series of short shots (you don't have to gun for the green every time).

3 Steps to Break Down Golf Holes and Slash Your Scores:

The first step is looking at the tee box yardage sign or score card to see how long the hole is and where the hazards are. This may seem a bit simplistic but stay with me.
Next you should think about what golf clubs you are hitting consistently. For many high handicap golfers that list doesn't include the driver all the time. Who cares if you aren't hitting your driver well, you can easily make birdie with a three wood (or even a 5 wood for that matter).
Only use golf clubs you are hitting well (remember golf is a mental game, if you didn't hit it well on the range you probably won't hit it well on the course). It is okay to use an unconventional club off the tee box or on the fairway.

You can make par or even birdie on a par 5 without ever taking the head cover off your driver.

Take a 450 yard par 5 for example: it can be broken down many ways. Lets divide 450 by three (if you are on the green in three you are putting for birdie). 450/3 = 150 so you only have to hit the ball 150 yards and straight three times to get on the green and putting for birdie. Heck, you could do that with a seven iron easily.

Your buddies may snicker when you tee up a seven iron but they won't be laughing when you are putting for birdie while they are putting for boggy.

What Clubs to Use:

Don't worry I'm not saying that you throw away your driver or leave it at home, but golf clubs are nothing more than tools. And if you aren't hitting your driver well on a particular day you should consider that tool broken.

The course is not the place to try to 'fix' your swing that's what the range is for (I learned that one the hard way).

A carpenter wouldn't use a broken circular saw to cut a board just because that's what he would usually do, he would take it over to the table saw or a miter saw to get the job done.

Think about your clubs the same way. If it's broken don't use it until you get it fixed (on the range). And most of us always have at least one club in the bag that we hit well all the time. Don't be afraid to use it even if it goes against convention.

For more great tips on course management and how to maximize distance from every club checkout or checkout my blog for some free video lessons and tip at

For Better Golf,
Doc O'Leary
Head Golf Nut, OHP

I've made it my mission in life to provide golfers the BEST information they can get to quickly start hitting with more power, authority and confidence for gorgeous long drives! I've spent the last 20 years searching the globe for the best 'underground' golf instructors and bringing their secrets to average guys like you and me. That's why I created so you can have access to these tips and secrets from the comfort of your own home.

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Thursday, October 13, 2011

Tips on How to Break 90

Scoring Strategy

Play each hole to make a bogey. You will certainly make just a few pars by doing this (plus some double bogeys in the process whenever you hit some bad shots), but by playing each hole for your bogey you can expect to eliminate the big numbers (7s and 8s).

Even "par" for you should be 90, play to get yourself a 45 each 9. That's 4s on the par 3s, 5s on the par 4s and 6s on the par 5s. Just steady, safe golf but when you get a "green" light (which we'll speak about below) aim for the flag and get a par.

Golf course Management

From the tee

Play the club off of the tee that will get the ball in play the most often. For me it's my driver. The ball is teed up, the head is the dimensions of a frying pan, it's impossible to top or chunk the driver.

Swing it easy together with good tempo and you'll be in the fairway. Swinging easy will take away the duck hook and the banana slice. You do not have to hit long drives; you need your ball in play down the fairway. Anything over 180 yards is wonderful because bear in mind, you are playing each hole for bogey, so you don't need to triumph over the fairway in two shots.

In the event you don't like the driver, then select a hybrid 3, 4 or 5 iron. If you don't own a hybrid, put that on your birthday/Christmas, good person present list.

In the fairway

If you are breaking 100 routinely, I'm guessing you have got a go to iron. The one you hit to loosen up at the range, the one you hit to learn your swing, the one you keep close to your bed for defense. For many people that's commonly their 6, 7 or 8 iron. Something you are able to strike 145-160 yards easily. For me it's my 7 iron.

>150 yards from the hole?
Hit your 150 yard club. The reasoning behind this is that you'll be able to control that club, so that you can now position your 2nd shot along the side of the fairway (or green) that is great for your 3rd shot (either a pitch, chip or putt).

<150 yards from the hole?
If you have no real danger along the side of the green where your misses go or no danger behind the green, go for it, you have a green light to shoot for the center/largest section of the green.

If you find hazard on your miss side, and no threat in front of the green, play One club less and shoot for the front of the green.

<100 yards away from the hole?
Aim for the centre of the green, you've struck a superb tee shot, and therefore are in a good position. You need to have this shot in your toolbox. If you can't regularly get close to or on the green from 100 yards away (7 out of 10), you need to train your wedge more.

Short game

To break 90, you've got to be capable to hit the green from 75 yards and in. This stands out as the one area of the game that is the easiest to learn because it doesn't require a perfect golf swing or very much athletic skill. It basically requires some training to get consistency and confidence.

Most greens are around 20-30 yards in width and 20-30 yards in depth. This gives you a lot of room for error; so don't try to get cute with your wedge shot. Just simply aim for the biggest spot of the green that is closest to the hole and you'll be amazed at how many you put close.

I really do not encourage using a lob wedge for this shot. Go with your sand wedge (56 degree). With your sand wedge, in the event you hit it just a little short of the green, there'll be enough roll that the majority of occasions it will roll on and you're putting. Your lob wedge is just too easy to hit short and also to strike thin. I highly recommend eliminating it from your bag until you are consistently breaking 90.

Just 10-20% of golf players are ever going to break 90, therefore, you will be in rare company once you do.

if you are interested in how to break 90, please check out Break 90 Golfing at

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The Lofted Wedge Shot and the Wrist Release

One of the most important areas of golf is the short game and one of the most important clubs in the short game is the lofted wedge. However, in order to take advantage of the versatility of the lofted wedge you must have a proper shoulder turn, swing, and wrist release.

The lofted wedge chip shot is extremely difficult for most amateurs and at times even gives the pros challenges. There are basically three things during the chip shot that makes this type of shot so difficult to execute properly with accuracy and distance control. Besides keeping the upper body/spine stable (in its original position at address) until contact is made with the ball, there are two other important elements that are critical to a well-played lofted wedge shot. One of those elements is the proper shoulder turn and the other is a deliberate, although somewhat awkward in the beginning, wrist release.

As with all clubs in golf and especially when handling a lofted wedge, "feel" is the most important aspect of the short game. The importance of feel in the short game can't be over emphasized because it is so important to be successful. You must be able to separate how the shoulders feel when they are turned around the spine, and have a separate feel of the upper body as the upper body/spine unit must remain stable throughout the swing.

It tends to be easier to make a proper shoulder turn with the longer clubs than with the lofted wedge. There is a tendency to "move" the left shoulder (for a right-handed golfer) from left to right causing a slight swaying motion as opposed to the correct should turn which is an around-the-spine/downward rotation. Addressing the ball properly puts the left shoulder above the right shoulder with the spine at an angle from left to right. In order for the shoulder to turn around the spine, the left shoulder must begin turning toward the ball and then toward the rear making an around (the spine) and down motion which until it is practiced extensively feels very awkward. It is too easy to stop rotating around the spine and begin a motion that starts from the left but instead of going downward to the right detours and moves right and doesn't complete the downward portion of the shoulders movement. This change in swing direction tends to cause a sway that moves you off the ball and usually causes a fat shot or a pull to the left and possibly a sculled hit. There is no question that the proper shoulder turn on a lofted wedge shot is awkward for the amateur which leads to many fat shots and other types of poor contact with the ball. Because of this, many amateurs try to putt from lies where a lofted wedge is the proper club and greatly reduce their odds for success in getting up and down.

Once the proper shoulder turn has been mastered (Well, hopefully a reasonable measure of success has been achieved.), the next critical aspect of the lofted wedge shot is the wrist release. Many amateurs actually don't understand how to "release the club" properly. I have read a number of golf instruction articles on the release of the club and the ones I think best describe it are the ones that refer to the movement as similar to casting a fishing rod. If you imagine you have a fishing pole in your hand and attempt to cast it, notice how your wrist releases. The back of the wrist is in line with the back of your forearm. You may have heard the famous Ben Hogan use of the term pronation and/or supination, but I'm not going to get into that. Suffice it to say, that there will be movement of the left forearm during the backswing. Turning the forearm clockwise during the downswing gets you into the proper position to be able to release the wrist into the ball. In order to get into the proper wrist release position, you may have to practice getting the forearm and left wrist (for right-handed golfers) into the correct position with the back of the forearm and the back of the wrist into alignment and being on a closely similar plane. In the beginning, this positioning may feel very awkward, but after practice you should see significant improvement in your chipping. However, you must remember to swing back slowly and not be tense which is difficult when you are learning something new.

All of the major equipment manufacturers including Mizuno, Cleveland Golf, Taylor Made, Direct Golf, Ping Golf, and Adams Golf offer numerous styles, lofts, and designs of wedges. In my opinion, it's more important to choose a wedge that feels good to you and that you like the look of than to purchase a club that may be the latest, greatest wedge.

In conclusion, the swing keys for the lofted wedge shot are:

Take the club back slowly in a downward motion rotation of the shoulders around the spine.During the backswing, maintain the upper body in the position it was in at setup as the shoulders rotate around the spine.At the beginning of the downswing and up until contact is made with the ball, be sure to not change the position of the upper body.Move the left forearm (for right-handed golfers) and wrist into position so the backs of both are on a similar plane just prior to impact with the ball.Release the wrist (like casting a fishing pole) moving the clubface into the ball.I have to assume that your lower body movements are supportive of the upper body as this area of the swing is not part of this article.

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