Golf alignment is a fundamental of the golf swing setup and it is very important if you want to have a swing that is consistent and on the proper golf swing path. Misalignment with the golf setup, on the other hand, can cause errant golf shots due to swing path problems.
There are a few helpful tips which will get your golf alignment on track so you can hit straighter golf shots. First of all, when we talk about alignment in the golf setup, we are referring to the clubface, the feet, hips, shoulders, and even the forearms. As you setup to the ball, everything should be parallel to your target line with regards to your body. The clubface should be facing your target or where you want the ball to start out after impact.
It's helpful in your preshot routine and as you set up to the golf ball to first align your clubface as you set it directly behind the ball. Once you've set the club head down, then it's time to get your feet and the rest of your body square. The goal for correct golf alignment is to get everything parallel with your target line of where you want the ball to start after you've hit it.
It's easy for a golfer to get misaligned without even being aware of it. It's a good idea to check your alignment from time to time and even work on it at the driving range every so often. A great way to work on alignment at the range is to lay a club down on the ground in between your feet and the ball so that it is parallel with your target line. Then you can check your feet so that they are each the same distance away from the golf club. This drill will get your feet in alignment and it is then just a matter of squaring up your hips and shoulders so that they are over your feet and aligned in the same direction.
To check the alignment of your shoulders or your hips, just get in your setup position and then take a club and put it across the line of your shoulders and hips while maintaining your posture. You then want to look and see if the club points just parallel of your target. If it's not you can make the adjustment and get everything square. This will really help you start the club on the correct path and promote swinging the club on a good path especially in and near the impact zone. Good golf alignment will help your swing path and get your hitting better golf shots.
Start playing better golf today with our Golf Swing System. The Golf Swing Genius is a top golf instructor who has developed a golf swing system for golfers of all levels. Visit our website for more easy and effective Golf Swing Tips.
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