Saturday, December 17, 2011

How Your Golf Divots Can Help You Improve Your Golf Swing Path

Noticing and understanding the direction and type of your divots on the golf course can help you improve your swing path. Generally, most golfers will take divots if they have decent swing speeds. Some golfers take shallow divots and some take really huge ones. I'm going to share with you some tips on how to improve your swing by noticing what type of divots you are taking.

With your tee shots and fairway woods you shouldn't be taking divots. Hopefully with these clubs you are catching the ball slightly on the upswing. With the irons, it's helpful to hit down on the ground so you most likely will take at least a little bit of a divot if you are swinging correctly with these clubs.

Good divots should always be in front of the golf ball. With your irons, you want to strike the golf ball first and then take some ground with your club. The perfect divot will be shallow and consistent. The touring pros all take similar divots when they hit different shots. Amateur golfers with high handicaps may be more inconsistent in the amount of ground they take from hitting down on the golf ball.

If your divots are pointing left, you are pulling the club across on your golf swing path from right to left. This will cause a sliced golf shot or a pulled shot. If the divots are pointing to the right, you're probably experiencing a block or even a hook golf shot pattern. To combat these two problems, try and feel like you swing your golf club head towards the target just after impact. This will promote straighter shots and you'll tend to take divots that go straight.

Deep divots mean that your golf swing path or plane is too steep. A golfer who has a flatter swing plane will tend to take more shallow divots. Noticing the direction and how deep your divots are can give you basic information on your golf swing path as well as your golf swing plane.

Get your swing into gear by seeing the patterns of the turf you are taking after you've hit your golf ball. Noticing which direction and the quality of your divots will help you straighten out your swing and play better golf. Any amateur golfer can really benefit from getting this feedback. You can learn how to control your swing path and golf swing plane much more easier. This is really great if you aren't sure what you are doing in your swing because your divots will prove it to you.

The Golf Swing Genius is a top golf instructor dedicated to helping you understand your golf swing so you can play great all the time. Golf does not need to be so confusing and you can play well when you learn our Golf Swing Tips. Master your game today!

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