Saturday, December 31, 2011

How to Draw a Ball in Golf - Exaggeration Is the Key

The tendency of most amateur golfers is to slice the ball rather than hit a draw. The two major causes of a slice in golf are: you have an outside to inside swing path during impact, or your club face is open the moment you hit the ball. Some golfers actually even commit both mistakes.

It can be difficult to notice these mistakes. However, you can easily tell if you have a problematic swing just by examining your ball flight. If you notice that your ball usually starts to the left of your target then slices before it reaches the target line, then you are most probably swinging in an outside-in direction. Now if your ball starts out on target but slices anywhere midway, then your club face might be open during impact.

It is quite likely you are hitting a slice because you have an outside-in swing path. This means your shoulders are aligned way too far to the left of the target. This problem is quite easy to fix. All you have to do is open your shoulders every time you address the ball. If possible, let someone stand behind you during address and make him check where your shoulders are pointing. With your shoulders aligned correctly, your club has no other choice than to follow the direction of your shoulders.

On the other hand, if you tend to hit the ball with an open club face, then check the position of your club's head when addressing the ball. Take the extra effort to square up your club face each time you address the ball. Doing this alone can be a quick fix to your slicing problem.

If you are still consistently slicing even if you have diligently checked if your shoulders and club face are square at address, then you might be unintentionally opening your club face during your downswing. For an easy fix, try to concentrate on rotating the club to the right during impact. You should feel the club head turn over through the ball so as to make it start hooking left. Practice this drill during your driving range sessions before you hit the course.

If you still keep slicing even after you have regularly practiced these drills then you might have an over the top swing path which is more difficult to fix. If you have been playing golf for years, then you might have developed this nasty swing flaw that you have to seriously consider correcting.

The best way to correct this kind of swing habit of slicing is to exaggerate a hook. Start conditioning yourself to swing inside-out. Go to the range and flatten your swing until you consistently hit vicious hooks. You really have to exaggerate this movement. Flatten your swing to a point that you feel like you are swinging your club below the right shoulder, around your back. Since you have been so used to an over the top backswing, you just probably feel like you are swinging flat even if you aren't. So you have to exaggerate an inside-out swing.

During practice rounds, keep your right elbow tucked firmly to your side throughout the swing. This way the ball is forced to make a nice slinging hook. This kind of constricted swing may not be able to get the ball that far, but once you get the feel of the right way to hook the ball, it would be easy for you to adjust later. A controlled hook shot is great for both power and distance. So keep on practicing this hook shot until you consistently make the ball draw and eliminate that nasty slice.

Remember the key to finally stop slicing and fix any swing flaw that you have been suffering from for quite some time is to do the exact opposite of what you have been used to in an exaggerated manner. This is the only way to make your body literally feel the change you are trying to make. You do not want to just try to make your ball go straight. Your goal now is to consistently make it hook excessively until you start mastering the golf draw.

For more amazing golf tips on how to improve your golf swing, chipping, putting and more please visit this link Golf Draw Site

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Thursday, December 29, 2011

How Golf Swing Videos Can Help You

Many products can offer you videos of the best swings ever from different tours just like the PGA and European Tours. You can also witness and review documented swings by famous golfers just like Tiger Woods, Bubba Watson, Rickie Fowler, Dustin Johnson, Rory Mcllroy, Phil Mickelson, Martin Kaymer, and other players you have probably never seen or heard about before. These are just some of the examples of famous events and people whom you can learn from basing on their playing strategies especially when it comes to golf swinging.

Such material can really help those who aspire to play golf well. You can learn each swing and study each move of a professional player and you can freely practice and apply it on your own games. You can explore on different angles, moves and curves, and you can discover on what swing you are very much capable to do, thus bringing out the best in you while playing golf. This is one affordable way for you to learn all kinds of different swings known to man kind. This does not require you to hire someone to teach you or enroll on expensive golf lessons just to become a pro yourself. Remember, you can very much learn by yourself with the help of such video materials.

This does not just benefit you, if you are done studying with one video regarding a specific person or a specific tour, you can freely share it to anyone you would like. You can share it to a friend or a loved one that is also an avid golf player and fan. Just like you, they will also learn and discover certain swings that would interest them and that they might apply as they play also. It is indeed a good gift to someone; especially to a family member, your dad or uncle maybe, that plays golf too. Such items are widely available in many stores especially in the internet. You can purchase it anytime you want, and good thing about it is that it is very much affordable.

Golf swing videos really interest a lot of people. It provides entertainment as you witness the greatest swings ever made, and at the same time, it is an avenue for learning for you and other friends. Anyone can surely experiment with his or her own style in swinging, but it is also good to try swings that are proven and effective in tournaments and championships. Remember, everyone is a champion in his or her own right.

Watching golf swing videos will easily cut hours off your valuable practice sessions. We have generated a web site with 1000's of golfing videos to improve your game and also give you guidance on how to improve your score. Check them out.

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Sunday, December 25, 2011

How to Improve Imagination and Visualization in Golf

When you think about Jack, Steve, Tiger, or to that matter any great golfer, you find the word creativity popping into your head. These golfers are (or alas, in the case of Seve, were) creative. Great golfers have the ability to think up amazing shots. They can see shots in their mind and then they can make them happen.

The process of imagination and visualization is essential in the process of creating great golf shots. Jack Nicklaus is often quoted as saying that he never hit a golf shot without seeing it first, very vividly, in his imagination. He always visualized the shot first before he set about making it come to life.

Jack Nicklaus is truly the Michelangelo of golf. For those who aren't familiar with the way in which Michelangelo set about his creative process, this is how he described his manner of work:- "I saw the angel in the marble and carved until I set him free".

There is a common thread in the process of success in anything in life and this is the essential importance of first visualizing the outcome you seek before you set out on the pathway to its achievement. You have to see it to believe it. Once you visualize an outcome, you can believe in its potential and then your mind and body can find a way in which to achieve it.

Put another way, without first seeing it, you cannot believe it and cannot achieve it. Golf sits squarely in the middle of this paradigm. It does not escape from the basic patterns or rules of success. Great golf shots are created first in your imagination and then they have the potential to come to fruition upon the course.

It follows that the better you are at triggering and utilizing your inherent ability to visualize, the more successful you will be as a golfer. If you want to win more golf tournaments and get your handicap down low you will need to tap into the creative part of your mind and take it with you onto the course.

The wonderful thing about your imagination is that you can practice using it anytime and anywhere. Another great bonus is the minimal amount of time it takes to visualize a few perfect and creative shots. It takes moments, and yet the effect is powerfully dramatic.

Can you imagine just how good you would get at visualizing if you were to simply play a few holes of golf in your mind each night as you are drifting off to sleep? It's so quick and easy and the effect is truly awesome.

Roseanna Leaton, avid golfer and specialist in creative golf mind mp3s and author of the GolferWithin golf mind training system.

P.S. Discover how to release your inherent creativity and take it with you onto the golf course. Check out my website now.

Improve your creativity in golf and improve your imagination with golf mind training from These golf mind mp3s will give you the creative golfing edge which you are looking for.

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Thursday, December 22, 2011

Improve Your Game With A Golf Practice Net

If you have recently joined your local golf club, it is useful to try and improve your handicap at the earliest possible opportunity. Though the game has a somewhat laid back feel to it, it can also be highly competitive. Mastering how to swing, tee off correctly, and putt, can be a lot harder than what most people believe. To increase the odds of winning more of the rounds that you play, it can be of value investing in a golf practice net.

As with any sport, practicing is often the key to success. The special nets designed for golfers to hone their skills can quickly improve ability. There are versions that can be used outdoors as well as indoors, therefore no matter what the weather or the time of year, you can develop your game to a higher level. Before you know it, the embarrassment that was felt when you first took up the sport evaporates.

Improving your shot selection, and determining how much power is needed when hitting the ball does take time. With a net at hand you should find that you can quickly boost your prowess. Moreover, you won't have to spend many hours searching for lost balls.

When comparing the nets available at your local sports accessories outlet, or through a specialist online retailer, it is of value to know what to look for and how the options differ. The advice below will help ensure that you spend your money on a product that is perfect for your needs.

The size and strength of the nets that you shortlist are the most important factors. Make sure that the design you choose is big enough to collect each of your shots, and that it does not quickly become torn when driving balls at full force.

Another important consideration to check out is the bounce back ability. You would not want your balls to ricochet and bounce back towards you, this can result in serious harm and injury. It should be loose enough to absorb the energy of your shots.

On a final note, choosing a cheap golf practice net may have the opposite effect to what you desire. A low cost, poorly constructed net may quickly rip and become unusable. If possible, avoid the budget options and invest in a design that can be used to help you improve your game for many months or even years.

You can find details about the advantages of using a golf practice net and information about golf practice cages at now.

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Tuesday, December 20, 2011

How to Succeed At Golf


Any successful golfer will tell you that one of the secrets of success is to be fiercely determined. Determination is crucial to success in any endeavour in life and golf is no exception. For the first time golfer or the beginner who has a dream of being of the best in the game, there are so many obstacles to overcome. The obstacles of learning the basics, improving their game and mastering the game etc. He or she will be able to overcome these obstacles easily if he or she is strongly determined. Determination helps you not to accept initial failure as an excuse to stop doing what you are doing but rather determination pushes you to go on and keep working at it until you get it right. Do you think Tiger Woods got to where he is right now without a strong or fierce determination?


It has been said that, Practice makes perfect. It will be impossible for you to perfect your game if you don't have a strong practice regime. The world top golfers all agree on one thing, there is no substitute for practice. The more you practice how to improve your game, the more your game actually improves. So if you are really interested in succeeding at golf you must have a very strong and disciplined practice regime. Don't you know that those beautiful shots the masters of the game make during the game were perfected during their personal practice time?


All great golfers are disciplined. Golf is a game for patient and disciplined people. If you don't really understand the game, watching a golf game may appear boring to you but when you really understand the game you realize that it's a really very interesting game. It's a game that really requires a lot of discipline and patience. What great golfers do during the major competitions is a result of the discipline they had cultivated during their seemingly minor practice time. Being disciplined helps you to build a strong practice regime and keep to it. Being disciplined helps you to stay focused and succeed at golf.

Learning from Better Players

To really succeed at golf you can't afford to just practice alone or just play with players you are better than so that you can always feel good about yourself. This won't improve your game. To really be a great player you must learn from and play with those better than you. This helps you to realize what necessary improvements you need to make on your game. Learning from better players will undoubtedly make you a better player. So learn to ask people who you know are good at the game for tips about how to improve your game, you will be surprised at how eager they will be to help you.

To be a success at golf you need to know what the game is about, improve on your game, be determined, disciplined, practice well and learn from others. If you get these things right you will really be amazed at how much success you will have in the game of golf.

Golf is a beautiful game and success in it depends on how determined and disciplined you are, how much practice you put into the game and your willingness to learn from better players.

To learn how to improve all aspects of your Golf game with unbiased product reviews and A FREE 7 day course on how to be a better Golfer Please visit my website at

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Saturday, December 17, 2011

How Your Golf Divots Can Help You Improve Your Golf Swing Path

Noticing and understanding the direction and type of your divots on the golf course can help you improve your swing path. Generally, most golfers will take divots if they have decent swing speeds. Some golfers take shallow divots and some take really huge ones. I'm going to share with you some tips on how to improve your swing by noticing what type of divots you are taking.

With your tee shots and fairway woods you shouldn't be taking divots. Hopefully with these clubs you are catching the ball slightly on the upswing. With the irons, it's helpful to hit down on the ground so you most likely will take at least a little bit of a divot if you are swinging correctly with these clubs.

Good divots should always be in front of the golf ball. With your irons, you want to strike the golf ball first and then take some ground with your club. The perfect divot will be shallow and consistent. The touring pros all take similar divots when they hit different shots. Amateur golfers with high handicaps may be more inconsistent in the amount of ground they take from hitting down on the golf ball.

If your divots are pointing left, you are pulling the club across on your golf swing path from right to left. This will cause a sliced golf shot or a pulled shot. If the divots are pointing to the right, you're probably experiencing a block or even a hook golf shot pattern. To combat these two problems, try and feel like you swing your golf club head towards the target just after impact. This will promote straighter shots and you'll tend to take divots that go straight.

Deep divots mean that your golf swing path or plane is too steep. A golfer who has a flatter swing plane will tend to take more shallow divots. Noticing the direction and how deep your divots are can give you basic information on your golf swing path as well as your golf swing plane.

Get your swing into gear by seeing the patterns of the turf you are taking after you've hit your golf ball. Noticing which direction and the quality of your divots will help you straighten out your swing and play better golf. Any amateur golfer can really benefit from getting this feedback. You can learn how to control your swing path and golf swing plane much more easier. This is really great if you aren't sure what you are doing in your swing because your divots will prove it to you.

The Golf Swing Genius is a top golf instructor dedicated to helping you understand your golf swing so you can play great all the time. Golf does not need to be so confusing and you can play well when you learn our Golf Swing Tips. Master your game today!

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Thursday, December 15, 2011

Improve Your Golf

Golf is one of the oldest sports around and has also managed to claim its rightful place in the annals of history by managing to find its rightful way into the next Olympic Games.

There is a certain belief that golf is a sport played by "the older generation" and that it does not do much for physical fitness and stamina as most of the work comes from the shoulders and hips and it involves brisk walking from one hole to another. Quite mistaken this myth is though! Golf IS a sport and when played at competitive levels involves a great deal of physical activity, mental concentration and overall strength. One must also take into consideration the weather factor where golfers are exposed to sometimes awful conditions, such as strong winds, rain, cold or heat for long hours at a stretch. It also involves trying to get out of awkward positions, such as thick shrubs or rough and bunkers littered with sand, which makes accurate putting and drives fairly arduous, to say the least!

Needless to say, starting golf at a young age is imperative to see progress. I never forget the first time I was exposed to golf, in a driving range in the UK. I could not hit one single ball and ending up breaking my brother-in-law's very expensive golf club in the process! I find that putting practice can be great for finding your range and nerve although regular practice in the golf range would reap greater dividends.

As is the case in most sports established in the distant past, etiquette plays an important role in the sport of golf. Spectators are urged to maintain perfect silence and orderly conduct when assisting golf tournaments from up close. Rowdy spectators have started to trickle into golf and make their presence known whenever they have the opportunity, which is not often, to be honest. Just like tennis, golf players need to concentrate in perfect silence as any unwelcome noise might unsettle their nerves. Having talked about rowdy spectators it is worth noting that we are yet to witness unsportsmanlike behaviour and antics from players similar to the antics of John McEnroe in tennis, for example. Maybe the fact that there is no Umpire to contradict the golf player might have something to do with this!

Of course it goes without saying that the choice of clubs used for certain shots is a key component of success. This is why the caddy should be the golfer's best friend when it comes to club choices. And their worst should the choice not be the appropriate one!

Whether you play golf for fun or professionally you will find the information, advice and tips necessary to improve your game.

Visit for further tips.

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Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Improve Your Game With Titleist Golf Clubs

To play perfect golf, you need to train with professionals and buy the right equipment. As you develop your skills, the right tools will boost your effort. The best golf clubs have excellent fitting, and they are custom-made to give you an impressive performance. The Titleist golf clubs are elegant high performance clubs with a precise fitting for perfect clubbing. These will make your practice experience worthwhile to pave the way for you to become a champion. As you learn about the best golf swings, you will enjoy training with these clubs since they are smooth to handle for the right swings. Designed for champions their clubs have the best angle at 360-degree grip. They also have proper thickness and speed.

Golf trainers recommend them because of their quality and reliability. Their golf clubs are comfortable for all body sizes. Men and women will find them ideal for consistency when hitting the ball. This makes it the best tool to help you try all challenging curves. They come in various designs to suit all your golf experiences. You can make long straight shots easily, because the clubs have more lofts to hit the ball as high as you wish. The larger volume types of the range of clubs from Titleist Golf allow you to make well-calculated short putts. They have dual angle hosel technology to enhance accuracy within all distances.

To be an expert at golf, you need confidence. These Titleist golf clubs will help you develop your skill by delivering outstanding performances on all swings. Patented at a dual angle SureFit Tour (SFT), they help you maximize on your shots for better control. Acoustically engineered Titleist golf clubs give remarkable sound and feel. Amateur golfers seek to have their personalized swings and shots. As you train with these professional equipments, you enhance your chances of having your own unique swings. You get to choose the best shaft from their selection for excellent speed and feel.

To become a Tiger Woods or Steve Striker in golf, you need to develop your confidence, grip, speed, and style. Titleist Golf produce customisable golf clubs to help you grow these qualities and master your game. To enhance your performance, these metallic clubs will inspire you for excellence and uniqueness. As you play with these clubs, you will look and feel good for more confidence. This is the ingredient for the best swings by champions. Their precision will ensure that you make no mistakes and that you learn to make independent lofts. Top ranked golfers have used these clubs to get to the top. For guaranteed high performance, these golf clubs make no mistake. They fit all kinds of golfers, and they will take you to the lead through consistent moves and reliable swings.

Carl Liver

If you're looking for a great deal then make sure you visit us for great deals on Titleist Golf Clubs So make sure you come visit the great deals and have a look at our example of Titleist Clubs.

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Saturday, December 10, 2011

Improve Your Golf Score With a Golf Swing Video

If you are like the majority of golfers, you are always working to better your golf game. If golf means anything at all to you, there is probably never a day that you don't think about improving your level of performance. After all, it is really impossible for you to make the most out of your time on the green if you are unable to play the best that you can.

If you want to be at the height of your game and improve your golf score, then you have to properly manage your swing. Even if you have almost reached the level of a professional golfer, the odds are that you still don't have a perfect swing. If you could fix the weak elements of your swing, then you could improve your golf score within a very short period of time.

A golf swing video is one way that you could refine your swing. Of course, you can't just watch any video. You want one that is produced by an expert golfer who really knows the game. This is a person who has the accomplishments and certifications to show that he knows what he is teaching.

It is important to note that anyone can produce a video these days. To see this, all you have to do is go to YouTube and watch videos produced by people from 5 years of age to 101. Having a video does not mean that you are reliable instructor, a person who can teach and actually knows his subject matter. Keep that fact in your head as you browse through the thousands of video options on the market.

The Effectiveness of a Golf Swing Video

After you have decided that you would like to make an investment in a golf video, you must decide if you believe you can effectively enhance your game skill by using such a product. Even having the number one video on the market can be pointless if you do not make use of the knowledge it gives you. You must get out on a course and practice what you learn as often as possible.

The main reason why you should watch the golf swing video is so that you can locate any incorrect motions you might be making during your swing movements. There are many moves that you could be making improperly. You could be pivoting your foot incorrectly or your stance could be wrong. You might even be ending your follow-through a bit too early.

To properly assess your golf swing, you need to be able to see yourself. The best way to do this is by watching yourself in action on a video recording. This recording will allow you to compare your golf swing to the swing made by the golf pro in the video so that you can recognize the weak elements of your game.

Once you start incorporating your newfound knowledge in your golf, you should be able to see a difference in your score. As you practice, you should keep track of your performance so that your scores will let you know if your golf swing tutorial is allowing you to better your game.

Maria A Lopez has written a number of well-written articles on golf swing helpers and they can be found at Golf Swing Reviews. Golf Swing Tutorial is available with a wealth of information for anyone would like to learn more about Golf Swing Techniques.

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Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Improve Your Game and Enhance Your Passion for the Sport

Anyone who has ever mentioned the game of golf has surely mentioned that mastering the golf swing is the hardest part of the game. When you swing, you have to work almost every single muscle you have. A swing is a very complicated series of movements. Even so, if one motion fails, then the entire swing is ruined. Since the golf swing does have so many actions, it is quite difficult to diagnose its erroneous parts.

As a golfer goes through the motions of the swing, it is truly a complex arrangement. Only a sharp analyst can diagnose faults in such an intricate mechanism. It will take a person just as skilled to be able to fix them.

Looking at How to Improve Your Golf Game

When you first started playing golf, you probably thought about everything you did during your swing. The game was so exciting and new that you noticed everything and made every movement count. That was then of course. Now you play the game of golf automatically, and you no longer think about whether or not you are making a decent golf swing.

This complacency has probably led you to some very bad playing habits. The sad thing is that you are more than likely unaware of the fact you have these practices. Your golf swing is now as much a part of you as your name is. Your muscles have even memorized the movements of your swing and stance. As such, you will continue to play golf the same way unless you analyze each feature of your golf swing.

How exactly are you supposed to analyze your own movements? It is not like you can watch yourself and swing your club at the same time. What you can do is videotape your performance. Then you can observe your movements later. The best part about taping your golf swing is that you can watch yourself over and over again and at a slow speed. This way you can see even the hard to find faults in your actions.

Fixing the Mechanics of Your Pre-Swing Posture

The only way to better your golf swing is by improving your pre-swing procedures. Have you squared your body off correctly? Are you in the right position? Have you balanced your weight evenly on both legs so that you have the proper stance?

You also do not want to forget to keep your hands in the correct position so that your wrists will remain where they should throughout the swing. It may seem impossible to do all of this at one time, but with practice, you will eventually make this a habit that will improve your golf game.

By examining your actions before and during your golf swing, you can locate the weak areas of your game and improve them. The end result will be you lowering your score and enjoying the game even more.

For more information, visit Golf Swing Helpers. They have a complete resource center including a Free Special Report, fun survey, a wealth of articles and some product reviews. See more related articles by Bing Wang at Golf Swing Reviews.

View the original article here

Sunday, December 4, 2011

The Ryder Cup - The Trophy and Its Prestige

The Ryder Cup is one prestigious trophy that's also one of the most unique in the world. It is won through the Ryder Cup Matches, the golf event that happens once every two years between the best professional golfers of USA and those of Europe. This tournament rakes in huge profits from viewership and sponsorship, just like any other international pro golf competition. However, in this particular event, absolutely no prize money goes to the winning team, just the Ryder Cup. It's all for the victory and pride of the team.

The first official Ryder Cup competition was held in 1927. An English businessman and golf enthusiast named Samuel Ryder decided to sponsor a competition that would feature British and Irish golfers against the Americans. Ryder had a gold cup made by Mappin & Webb, a noted silversmith company in England. It was worth 100 guineas (a little over GBP 100 today) at that time. He donated this gold cup as the competition's trophy and named it after himself. Thus, the Ryder Cup was born.

The dominance of the USA in the event for consecutive years led to the decision of including other European golfers to the exclusive team of British and Irish players. In 1979, the rising golfers from Spain, Seve Ballesteros and Antonio Garrido, joined the new Team Europe. Although Team USA still prevailed that year, the efforts of Team Europe paid off in the following years to the present. Since 1979, Team Europe has won 8 times, while Team USA, 7. In one competition, the two teams ended up in a tied score, resulting to Team Europe retaining the trophy.

Going to the 2012 Matches, Team Europe holds the title and looks forward to hanging on to it for another two years, at least. To determine their players for the coming competition, the top 5 players on the Ryder Cup European Points List will automatically qualify for the team. The top 5 players in the Ryder Cup World Points List would also be included. Lastly, Jose Maria Olazabal, Team Europe's captain for the year, will pick 2 more players to complete their 12-man lineup.

On the other side of the tournament, Team USA will be made up of the leading 8 players in the Ryder Cup World Points List and 4 players to be chosen by Davis Love III, their team captain for the 2012 competition.

Team Europe and Team USA will battle it out again in the greens to see who'll take home the gold trophy that represents the victory and pride of the team. To be held at the Medinah Country Club in Illinois, USA, the 2012 Ryder Cup Matches is set to attract the Europeans, Americans and golf enthusiasts all over the world once more to watch this illustrious sporting event.

Looking for an impressive trophy for your company's golf tournament or other sporting event? Visit the Awards and Trophies website to see their wide selection of trophies - from gold cups to athlete figurines.

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Friday, December 2, 2011

Spotlight on Cleveland Golf

Cleveland Golf is located in Huntington Beach, California and has produced and sold golf clubs since 1979 under the direction of founder Roger Cleveland. However in the 1940s and 1950s the company started with production of remarkable replicas. In 1990 Cleveland was bought out by ski company Rossignol, who themselves were bought by Huntington Beach-based Quicksilver in 2005. In 2007 Quicksilver sold to Japan based SRI Sports Unlimited who are the owners of Dunlop Sport.

Today Cleveland is highly regarded as the leader in product innovation. It has three international affiliates Japan, Europe and Canada. They currently have 26 distributors worldwide. Greg Hopkins who joined them in 1997 has developed for them a high performance production line available to every level golfer. As part of their touring professionals they count with Vijay Singh, Boo Weekley, Joe Durant, and David Howell and many more.

It is technology like CMM metal, golf's first light density, which has established Cleveland golf clubs among the best in the business. Cleveland Golf is also known for the best wedge according to many. Take a look at the CG 16 which is designed with a lighter overall club weight and a longer club length for greater distance.

Just this year they released their latest addition to the range of Cleveland golf clubs, the Mashie Hybrid; a utility club with an old school look. The finish is a throwback to early metal woods. This hybrid is 30 times lighter than most traditional utilities. A faster head speed for more ball speed and carry. The sole rails provide stability while a solid feel and sound at impact. This should be one of clubs to look at while considering which hybrid to use.

Golf accessories are among the most regarded as well. These clubs creates highest performing products with you the golfer in mind. With a wide array of apparel, travel bags, umbrellas, headwear, gloves and so much more. Classics golf apparels' new collection touches on true yet timeless classics but with modern age technology and comfort. The variety of Cleveland golf accessories will allow the golfer to practice golf and travel in style.

Cleveland Golf has also been a partner with the Red Cross and Green Tea Charity Campaign in helping the victims of the hurricane and tsunami that devastated Japan. They have donated 100 million in Japanese yen and goods to support the recovery and relief efforts. They also donated percentages from golf ball sales and online sales towards this cause.

Carl Liver

If you're a fan of Cleveland Golf, Then make sure to visit us! We have a great selection of Cleveland Golf Clubs.

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