Thursday, February 16, 2012

Golf Range Finder Reviews: How to Choose the Best Golf Range Finder for You

Golf range finders have become must-haves for both the amateur and the professional golfer because they help in making accurate distance measurements quickly and easily. Thus a massive market of this device has boomed, resulting in a very wide variety of devices to choose from.

While this helps create competition and thus keeps prices competitive, choosing one may tend to become complicated and confusing, especially if you have never bought one before. If so, here are some basic things to keep in mind on your search for the best golf range finder for you.

What exactly are golf distance finders?

Let's answer this very basic question before talking about how to get one. It is a device that looks much like a telescope and serves to determine the distance of an object. They commonly come in different varieties, made unique from each other by the method with which they gauge distances.

What types of golf range finders are there which one should I get?

At present, equipment on the golf course can be classified into two: laser and GPS. Obviously, a laser range finder uses a harmless beam of laser to gauge the distance between two objects while a Global Positioning System (GPS) model relies on a navigational system that is satellite-based.

Generally, laser distance finders are more accurate and highly portable. The devices out on the market today are small and lightweight, but are very precise and powerful. Pick this one if you don't find the need for the features that GPS has to offer. GPS has a robust range of features, that's why many golfers still opt to use it. Its features include score keeping, hole view, and the like.

How far should the golf range finder be able to measure?

This depends on where and how you play. Both GPS and Laser, have varying ranges and magnification options. When choosing one, think about where you play and what your play style is. Asking more experienced players what they use will help you as well. Trying them out for yourself will also let you know which ones you're comfortable with.

Can it measure inclines or slopes?

It would be wise to buy a distance finder that has some slope-measuring capabilities. You'll never know when you need one, and it's better to be prepared. There are very good units out there that have this capability and are still very inexpensive.

In choosing the best distance finder for yourself, keep in mind what type of features you want it to have. Anticipate what the maximum range and magnification is best for your game, and make sure that it has the ability to measure inclines.

Want to look at some of the best golf range finders in the market today? Take a look at the Bushnell Tour V2 Golf Laser Rangefinder and the Bushnell Medalist Laser Rangefinder.

View the original article here

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